Thursday, October 15, 2009

3 Roadblocks to Joy & Freedom

1) Lack of Gratitude.

"If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."
~Oprah Winfrey

People can have such a lack of gratitude. I mean-the complaining, and judging, and gossiping, and story telling, and blah blah blah. I mean really, get over it!

And when you take the time to consider how lack of gratitude affects you, can't you see how it would block you from knowing joy and freedom?

2) Dependence on Circumstance.

If you are depending on people, income, events, or any circumstance whatsoever for your arrival to joy and freedom, you will be forever held at a distance from it.

Let's get real.

Life doesn't always go how we plan it. People don't always act like we want them to. Money ebbs and flows.

And not only that, if and when those people and things do come, you will swiftly discover that they did not bring you what you desired. Why? Cuz you will only find it within.

3) Avoidance of the Unknown.

Growth, change, expansion...they include the unknown. That is one reason people get stuck. They hang in the familiar and stay in the ordinary.

We've been taught to associate the unknown with something bad or scary. It even goes as far as to feel like a threat.

If you are going to live your joy & feel your freedom, you must grow, change and expand. It just comes with the territory! And, a natural part of the change process is the unknown.


1) Take inventory of what you DO have & are grateful for.

2) Get to know your joy.

3) Grow your capacity to be with the unknown.

4) Sign up for step by step process that will help you to live the above. "GRATITUDE: 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose"


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