Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Envelope Please-Napoleon Hill Reveals His Clue

Napoleon Hill reveals the clue that allowed him to help millions of people find their "earthly destinies", reminding us that whatever the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve. He refers to this profound law that provides the means by which we may choose our own purpose in life and attain it.

Check it out!

Highlights of this video:

In referring to this clue, this law he said Carnegie conveyed is, "A power that is greater than poverty, greater than lack of education, greater than all your fears and superstitions combined. It is the power to take possession of your own mind and direct it to whatever ends you desire."

"Whatever your mind feeds upon, your mind attracts to you."

"All success begins with a definiteness of purpose, with a clear picture in your mind of precisely what you want from life."

"Your only limitations are ones that you set up in your own mind or permit others to set up for you."

Oh, and of course he mentions the use of gratitude and closes with his favorite expression of gratitude:

"Oh divine providence, I ask for not more riches, but more wisdom with which to make wiser use of the riches you gave me at birth, consisting in the power to control and direct my own mind to whatever ends I desire."

Monday, February 18, 2008

What's Love Got To Do With It?

What's love got to do with the Law of Attraction? I've pondered this question during this month highlighting the spirit of love. It is clear to me that love has everything to do with the Law of Attraction and I propose that your ability to know, feel, receive and express love is a direct link to manifesting what you want in life.

How so? Here are some of my conclusions:

1) Love is ever expanding. It knows no bounds. Link to Law of Attraction=To receive the wonderous bounty of life that is your birthright, you must allow yourself to be in the consciousness that is boundless. Your past, your stories, your identity are all too small to package what is available to you. Let your self soar into more expansiveness. Open yourself to the vastness of possibility.

2) Love is the ultimate creative force. Creativity flows through love and the interior of your greatest wise soul self beyond your personality. Link to the Law of Attraction=Gaining mastery in the Law of Attraction includes understanding your power to create. You create all the time. Do you create on purpose or by default? Using the Law of Attraction to create what you really want means you become an on purpose creator. You need to carry conviction in your being that you are a creator of your reality. And then, you need to find ways to build your creativity muscle. Love is the ultimate force for creativity to express itself freely and fully. Get to know the vibration and expression of love and you will naturally know how to let the Law of Attraction work more purposefully through your creations every day.

3) Love transcends anything. Love's powerful life force is beyond belief, limitations, stories, and/or anything that has to do with our human constructs. Love takes you beyond the mundane and keeps you in alignment with what really matters. Link to the Law of Attraction=You really ready to manifest what you want in life? To truly know joy and abundance? You will need to allow yourself to transcend certain human constructs that show up in the form of limiting beliefs and stories. They can be so ingrained that you don't even know much they run your life. Anyway, when you vibrate in love you will operate from a higher power that transends anything limiting and automatically BE in way that aligns you with what matters most. By connecting to what matters most, your life can flow in ways that enable you to attract what you desire.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What You Are Seeking is Also Seeking You

Stop searching. Stop trying.

What you are seeking is seeking you. If what you are seeking is in alignment with who you are and what you truly desire (versus what you think you "should" be after in life), the universe will align itself in service to what you want.

So what does this mean?

1) You can stop the pain staking struggle to "get it right". The illusion that something is "out there" that you need to get or find keeps you in a state of scarcity. With scarcity, there is the idea that something may not happen. You may not find the answer. You may miss the golden opportunity. This is a story. And the story is fed by the very notion that you have to seek something out.

2) The universe wants you to succeed. That's right! If what you are seeking is also seeking you, it's safe to say that things are lined up in service to making what you want happen.
Welcome this paradigm. The universe actually is designed to help you create what you want because it rejoices in your joy and abundance! Joy and health are your birthright.

3) You already are in alignment. Because you are another expression of the life force that the universe is comprised of, you are naturally connected to the very essence of the life giving source. Actually, you are the life giving source. As such, you are meant to succeed. As such, you are already connected to that which will enable you to know what you desire. You don't need to try, you just need to allow yourself to become what is true for you and receive. You need to realize this truth and then act as if so that you let that which you are seeking come to you. It wants to. Let it!

So what can you do instead of searching and trying?

1) Relax.
2) Trust.
3) Affirm.

4) Open.
5) Recieve.