Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Attention: It's All Tumbling Down!

It's all about your attention.

Times are changing. Things are falling apart. Systems are tumbling down.

Where will you place your attention? What will you make it mean?

You can join the "oh my" fear band wagon. It's a giant one. They are taking people right now.

It's tempting, I know. The nigglings of fear that were still left in you can't help but be triggered in times of such uncertainty.

That's good news, though. How?

See, part of the rapid change provides opportunity to clear out. There are things that you will not need to take with you on the next leg of the journey. Old fears, stories, paradigms.... they will be useless to your new life.

These times demand that you get more savvy with placing your attention where you want it.

That is, if you want to be joyful, at peace and free (by all means, do pay attention to the mayhem if you want to).

There are not many things you really have control over in life. A part of personal mastery is getting this. Surrender and let go where you need to. And get in charge where you can.

Usually, people have it the wrong way around. They let their thoughts run them, and they try to change what is around them. You relate?

That is backwards.

Instead, you need to let go of trying to change what is outside of you (i.e. through complaining, advocating, forcing, manipulating, convicing, blaming etc.) and learn how to use the power of your mind.

If you want to reside in a place of possibility in the midst of change and manifest your desires and the beginnings awaiting you, you must:

1) Get clear about what you want- Really clear. Identify and articulate it out loud. No kinda, sorta, would like language. Speak as if it is so.

2) Acknowledge your fears- Feel them. Breath. Release them. Listen, we're human. There will be a time when you can live without fear (REALLY!). Until that time comes, denying your fears will simply compound them. Do let yourself feel and then move on. Remember the move on part, OK? {A tool for releasing fear is EFT.}

3) Choose your attention-Put your mind to work by selecting the kinds of thoughts that help you feel good. If you feel bad, you are thinking a fearful thought. You are designed to feel good. That is your true nature. So, if you feel bad, instead of feeling bad that you feel bad, take it as a sign that your thoughts are in default.

What can you do?

*Create new thoughts.
*Surround yourself with thinking and messages that uplift you (i.e. music, inspirational speakers, poems, alive friends)

The dictionary says:


  • the act or faculty of attending, esp. by directing the mind to an object.
  • a concentration of the mind on a single object or thought, esp. one preferentially selected from a complex, with a view to limiting or clarifying receptivity by narrowing the range of stimuli.
  • a state of consciousness characterized by such concentration.
  • a capacity to maintain selective or sustained concentration.


  1. Direct your mind to the object of your desire
  2. Concentrate and narrow your range of stimuli to only that which contributes to what you want
  3. Create a state of consciousness that helps you attract what you want
  4. Establish practices that sustain your concentration on the above
Yep, it's all tumbling down. You get to choose what it will mean.

If you want it to mean that change is natural, chaos is part of the order, new life is born when the old life falls away, and that possibilities exist NO MATTER what is going on around you, be diligent about where you place your attention, making sure it aligns with such a reality.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Key Deleted Scene from "The Secret"

This scene was deleted from "The Secret".


  • Everything is energy.
  • Everything is vibration.
  • We translate vibration.
  • The most potent form of energy is thought.
  • Your thoughts emite frequency.

Monday, September 15, 2008

5 Reasons that Gratitude is Where It's At

Why gratitude?

Why does it help you create what you want?

Why is it a sure way to living the Law of Attraction on purpose?

1) What you pay attention to grows.
2) Thankfulness brings about more reasons to be thankful.
3) Being grateful feels good. When you feel good, you are in alignment with yourself. When you are in alignment with yourself, you attract what you desire.
4) Gratitude is a higher principle, meaning it is connected to a greater truth that vibrates at a frequency that acts like a high powered magnet.
5) Gratitude is infectious. For you and others.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My 1st Movie: Gratitude!


Gratitude is a direct link to manifesting deliberately.

Learn about GRATITUDE: 30 days of Manifesting on Purpose, an ecourse that walks you through a way of being gauranteed to change your life.

I am so excited about this one! Gratitude has dramatically increased the quality of my life and the lives of people I've taught it to.