Monday, March 16, 2009

How You’re Creating the Very Things You DON’T Want

"Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you.” ~Wayne Dyer

>>>What are you FOR?

>>>What do you want?

>>>What is your vision?

That’s all that counts in manifesting.

  • It doesn’t matter where you’ve been.
  • Your past is irrelevent (unless you’re making it relevant by repeating it).
  • Your story doesn’t matter.
  • What hasn’t been doesn’t mean anything.
  • What could have been is over.
  • What is missing is only information.
  • What is “wrong” in the world- injustice, oppression, violence-does not shift through talking about how wrong it is or fighting it.

A fundamental in the Law of Attraction=what you pay attention to grows.

So if something is not working, is lacking or missing. STOP paying attention to it!

Don’t fight it, resist it, be against it, or try to change it. This kind of influence is a false sense of power that actually reinforces and GROWS the very things you don’t want.

Instead, get clear about what you do want, what you envision…and put your attention there. PERIOD.

If you are ready for more manifesting “know-how“, join me on Wednesday, March 18, 5pm USA Pacific as I reveal:

  • The biggest obstacle preventing you from attaining what you desire
  • What you can start doing immediately to create results in your life
  • How to tap into the manifesting powers within you

NOW is the time to be alive!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Right Place, Right Time: A Key to Manifesting

You are in the right place, at the right time.

It’s true.

Even when your life is missing that special zest you know it has for you.
Even when you are immersed in challenges.
Even when you are brought down to your knees.

Follow with me here…

Attracting what you desire in life requires expanded consciousness. In order to keep your mind open to the possibilities, you need to keep your consciousness open to the constant miracle life IS and you need to be in an expanded state.

And, if you don’t currently have what you want in life, it’s because up to now, you have not had the consciousness to attract it. So, it stands to reason that in order to create a consciousness that will allow you to attract what you want, you will need to expand to new dimensions of what is possible, what can be, how you can feel, etc.


So having said that, if you want to stick around for the journey, please do. (If you want to stay with the familiar, the ordinary, what is “safe” and seemingly secure, my material isn’t for you).

I’ve only just begun.

Now, back to you.

So one of the ways I want to invite you to expand your consciousness is to consider that you are always in the right place at the right time. Such a way of viewing your reality WILL enhance the quality of your life. You will open the way to a BEingness that constantly provides you with exactly what you need.

Think about it.

If you live in a paradigm that you are in the right place at the right time, everything will always be OK.

You will let go of the idea that you are missing the key and that life is outside of you. Also…

—->You will attract:

  • Resources
  • People
  • Opportunities

You will know that when you are faced with challenge, there is a greater purpose and that through trust you will receive whatever you need next. You know that there is a lesson in all that you do, and in that there is a gift for you. You know that challenge grows you, reveals something new to you that you could not have known without it-perhaps a new insight, greater compassion or deeper appreciation.

Through your knowingness that you are in the right place at the right time, you excude a vibration of confidence and trust that demonstrates to the universe and you that you believe you WILL attract what you desire and what you need at all times. This confidence is KEY to manifesting on purpose!

And, you will live in gratitude*(you know, I’m always plugging this one… cuz it works). Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations and states of being there are. Its perks are many, including health, joy and prosperity.

Try this on:

"I am in the right place, at the right time.”

How’s that feel?

If you’re up to it, “try it on” for 7 days.

Let me know how it goes.

—->>>*If you are interested in practicing the surest way to manifesting on purpose, check out GRATITUDE: 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose. It creates results!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Your Attraction Amplifier: 5 Tips to Take Charge of Your Attention

What you pay attention to grows.

It's true.

You are that powerful.

What you pay attention to grows.

What you place your attention on, you give life to.

Attention is comprised of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitude. Attention can also include your purpose, your vision, your soul's desires. Where ever you reside most will be reflected in your life.

Your dominate attention creates your reality.

Your attention is a director to the universe; it's like you are saying to life, "here is where I choose to live". The universe takes your instruction, and reflects it back to you as directed.

Whatever you spend your time thinking about, talking about, dreaming about, planning about, worrying about, will inevitability be reflected back to you in your experience. Attention is an attraction amplifier that draws to you that which you are focused on.

Knowing this, doesn't it make sense to take the time to ensure that your attention is going toward what you want to grow? Seriously, if you don't do it, who will? Your old habits, programming, media.... you want your reality to be created by that?

5 Tips to Take Charge of your attention and be the powerful creator you are>>>

1) Decide where you want to put your attention. Identify the intentions, qualities, and feelings you want to experience.

2) Write out what you want and put it somewhere you re-visit frequently. Read it out loud once and a while. Use language that reflects your wants as if they are already happening. Be proactive and enthusiastic in your descriptions.

3) Surround yourself with uplifting and affirming resources. (Like Manifest Mastermind!) People, books, quotes, music... Choose to reinforce your focus through daily practices that align you with what you want.

4) Be gentle with yourself when you get off track. When you notice you are letting your attention astray, be compassionate with yourself and gently place your attention back where you want it.

5) Give thanks. Gratitude* is a huge magnifier and is one of the greatest tools for flourishing.

*Gratitude is the surest way to manifest on purpose. Receive 30 days of gratitude messages. In just minutes a day, you will notice results in your manifesting reality!