Monday, December 29, 2008

Conscious Completion=Successful Manifesting

You really want to manifest your desires?


Well, then I encourage you to complete one more thing! Just do it. Don't think about it, don't contemplate it, just do it.

The degree to which you let in the new beginnings, new insights, new creativity, new relationships, new expressions, new income, new.... whatever you want is DIRECTLY related to how much you have let go of, completed, surrendered and ended.

Bottomline, if you intend to manifest what you want in 2009 (or anytime!), you must tend to completion!

Unfinished business---->>>Incomplete's----->>>>


Energy drainer's take you out of alignment and harmony, and create discord in your vibration. This means you will not be a vibrational match to what you want!

So, let's get real here.

By allowing something to die when its time is due, we create the conditions under which new life can emerge."

~Parker Palmer
Life has a cycle. When you tend to each part of the cycle, you allow the fullness of life to live through you. There is a time for endings, a time for death, a time for completion. If you avoid or resist these parts of the cycle, you have less room for the birth, the new beginnings, the creativity and flow of abundance.

I want you to choose intentional and conscious ending. Give it over. Give it up. Let it be done.

Make space for new life. By completing something that has been lingering, you will experience greater freedom and liberation. You will know the completion of a cyle, allowing the natural forces of life to move to the next stage of living. You will be in harmony with your natural ability to manifest.

Through conscious completion, you can consciously manifest.

Let yourself be free and make space for the natural manifesting process to breathe through you. Do this process below and let me know how it goes!



1) Identify one place in your life where you need completion. There are a variety of forms this could take. Examples:

*A project you started that you need to finish
*A conversation you’ve needed to have with someone
*A task such as cleaning your office
*Forgiving someone so you free yourself from the weight of resentment

Choose something that you know deep down would be freeing to tend to!

REMEMBER: When you have “incompletes” lingering in your life, even when you think you have “put them away” in your mind, they deplete your energy. They preoccupy a part of your consciousness that creates stress and decreases the quality of your life by putting you in vibrational discord.

So, choose something that you know will contribute to you shifting this cycle of depletion and uplift you, establishing a vibrational match to what you want.

2) Write it down (I want to make this accessible so that you succeed in getting it done, so even if you have a big list, I want you to focus on one item for now).

3) Write down what about the situation needs completion. What has been left undone? An actual set of tasks? Releasing a feeling? Speaking your truth? Forgiveness?

4) Write down what you need to do in order to find completion with this situation to be done with it once and for all! (Remembering that decision is the biggest factor)

5) Write down how you will feel when you have found completion with this situation. How will you feel? Describe it.

6) Consider what there is to be grateful for in this situation. How has this situation served you? What lessons are you grateful for?

7) Make an action plan. Write out the steps you are going to take.

Here are the steps written out for you:

The place in my life I want to focus on for completion is……

What needs to be complete about this situation/What is left to complete is…..

What I need to do in order to feel complete is…….

When I have created completion for myself around this, I will feel…..

What I give thanks for in this completion is…..

1) How this situation has served me to this point….

2) The lessons I have learned from this situation…..

The steps I will take are…..

Friday, December 19, 2008

4 Tips for Transcending Fear. There is another model of success!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Law of Attraction is always in effect. R u using it deliberately as the creator u r? Manifest on purpose. Set 2009 tone w/gratitude.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Getting fabulous feedback @ this video. It's just me being me. I love what I do & be. Thank you!

Wahooo! To Anne 4 Manifest Mastermind video contest.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Top Hindrance in Attraction: From Regret to Resolve

You want to be successful in manifesting your desires, right?

Well, I suggest you immediately shift from regret to resolve. What do I mean?

Let's back up.

One of the things I repeat is that manifesting the life of your dreams has more to do with letting the way be open rather than accumulating more theories and information. It has more to do with REmembering or recalling the truth that you know deep inside you and less to do with you needing to "become" something.

So, along those lines, I'd like to talk about one of the top hindrances in attracting what you want....

You see, nothing is missing. Nothing is wrong. Nothing "should have" happened. You weren't "supposed" to do anything. You haven't missed your opportunity.

Regret is an energy drainer. And, anything that drains your energy diminishes your access to your life force and decreases your vibration. When you are not accessing your life force and your vibration is decreased, you WILL NOT attract what you want.

Listen, what's done is done. The past is over. So what if the day is over and you didn't get to all your to do list? So what if the month passed and you didn't prioritize your time in the way you intended? So what if the year flew by and you didn't pursue what you envisioned?

It's all just information... Not a reason to drag you down further!

The meaning you apply to it will determine how you feel. For instance, if the meaning you give it is that you never do what you really want, so you must not deserve it.... you'll probably keep believing that and not get what you want. And, you will feel bad in some way.

Another option is that you make it mean that you understand that you feel bad when you don't do the things you want. You use that as information, re-commit to the importance of you feeling good and choose to begin a new. And then, you start to feel good.***

You get to decide! You choose the meaning you make out of anything.

Regret=something is missing or disappointment. Whew, the energy behind that is so weighty.

But, what if everything happens for a reason, what if there is a bigger purpose, what if there is inherent perfection? Then regret would not have any meaning for you, therefor it would not take any of your energy away from attracting what you want.

What do I suggest you do instead?


1) Resolve to learn what you can from each situation, especially when it's one that you think you may regret. Then apply what you learn to your life, as every lesson is a gift offered to make each next moment richer than the last.

2) Resolve to clear what you need to in order to release any emotional charge of regret that holds you back or down. Forgiveness is perfect for this (A great resource is Pamela Gregory; she writes a wonderful blog and more). You deserve to feel free from the burden of the story that you need to even have regrets.

3) Resolve to live the life you are designed for. Say yes to joy, to freedom, to prosperity. Resolve to be and do what is takes to make each day all it can be for you. Your resolve automatically raises your vibration and infuses your action with a zest, 2 factors that help you magnetize what you want.

4) Resolve to give thanks to what has been and what is, demonstrating trust in the greater purpose of your life. When you live in gratitude, you can't help but feel good.

5) Resolve to get over it and move on.

***REMEMBER: Feeling good is where it's at. Feeling good is a natural attractor.

Monday, December 8, 2008

There is NOTHING You Cannot Do or Be or Have!

You are the creator of your reality.

There is only a stream of well being energy that flows.

Well being abounds.

Watch this inspiring video, including affirmations such as:

*I am magnificence in human form.
*I am grateful to be me.
*I am the perfection of life.

Watch to the very end... there are kernals all the way.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Key Quotes from 'The Secret'-Part One

1-30 of 100 quotes from "The Secret"

1. We all work with one infinite power
2. The Secret is the Law of Attraction (LOA)
3. Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting
4. We are like magnets - like attracts like. You become AND attract what you think
5. Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy
6. People think about what they don't want and attract more of the same
7. Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creation
8. You attract your dominant thoughts
9. Those who speak most of illness have illness, those who speak most of prosperity have it. etc.
10. It's not "wishful" thinking.
11. You can't have a universe without the mind entering into it
12. Choose your thoughts carefully. You are a masterpiece of your life
13. It's OK that thoughts don't manifest into reality immediately (if we saw a picture of an elephant and it instantly appeared, that would be too soon)
14. EVERYTHING in your life you have attracted. Accept that fact ... it's true.
15. Your thoughts cause your feelings
16. We don't need to complicate all the "reasons" behind our emotions. It's much simpler than that. Two categories - good feelings, bad feelings.
17. Thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that bring about bad feelings means you are not on the right track.
18. Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming
19. You get exactly what you are FEELING
20. Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances
21. You can begin feeling whatever you want (even if it's not there) the universe will correspond to the nature of your song
22. What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience
23. What you think and what you feel and what actually manifests is ALWAYS a match - no exception
24. Shift your awareness
25. "You create your own universe as you go along" Winston Churchill
26. It's important to feel good
27. You can change your emotion immediately by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience
28. When you get the hang of this, before you know it you will KNOW you are the creator
29. Life can and should be phenomenal. It will be when you consciously apply the Law of Attraction
30. Universe will re-arrange itself accordingly

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thoreau said, "My thanksgiving is perpetual." I'm writing @ this state for GRATITUDE course.

Friday, November 28, 2008

What a p-h-e-n-o-m-e-n-o-n!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thank You for YOU!

My personal thanks...


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"Validation" Movie on Attraction

Great little movie on attraction, how it creates
ripples, magnetizes and builds relationships.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

St. Francis & Sarah MacLachlan Raise Your Vibration!

I feel gratitude and high vibrations oozing from this song and prayer.

Remember, raising your vibrations makes you a magnet for what you want!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm Revealing Myself So YOU Succeed!

Here it is....

My "Thank You Manifesting Banner"!!

"Every moment of your life is infinately
creative and the universe is endlessly
bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough
request, and everything your heart desires
must come to you."

~Shakti Gawain

Here's some insight into this process:

1) To manifest, I must be clear. I begin
by identifying what I want.
2) I turn my wants into affirmations.
This is a declaration for me, which is at the
foundation of my manifesting process. I need
to choose, to say yes, in order to let the way
be open.
3) Affirmations are words (which have
energy) in an "as if" phrasing. I tell
myself it is true, and it becomes true because
my mind does not know the difference. I am
electing where I put my attention, therefor
creating the reality of it.
4) I write them out on big paper to
take the momentum to another level;
there is something about getting it in writing
that works.
5) I put it on one of the walls in my
office, so I see it every day. The words,
the feelings, the energy, the beliefs...
become a part of my daily consciousness.
Even when I'm not "thinking" about it, it
is working for me.
6) I periodically read it all outloud.
I breath, I speak it with conviction and confidence.
It becomes me.
7) I give thanks. I say thanks every day for
the truth of these realities in physical, daily
experience. I put "Thank You" in bold writing
across the top because gratitude activates
and MAGNETIZES all that is needed to manifest.
(i.e. high vibrational frequency, value and
appreciation for what is, trust, acting as
if, and faith)

Try it out. Create one yourself and let
me know how it goes.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ways 2 Raise Your Vibration (a must in manifesting)

Raising your vibration is key to moving into and maintaining the consciousness that attracts what you want. I highlight 2 high vibration qualities and share how nature guides you to success. It's all there for you. Allow.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Magic Skill MUST

"To sit patiently with a yearning that has not yet been fulfilled, and to trust that, that fulfillment will come, is quite possibly one of the most powerful "magic skills" that human beings are capable of. It has been noted by almost every ancient wisdom tradition."

~Elizabeth Gilber

Consider this: All you want ALREADY exists. You don't have to create what you want. You have to create the conditions so that what you want can come to be in your physical experience.

One of the conditions is trust. Trust is a key part of attracting what you want and allowing the bounty that is yours to thrive, in real time, now.

So I invite you to deepen your trust. As the quote above says, it is a magic skill (that and patience).

When you set an intention, decide to receive what you want to manifest, commit to allowing your fulfillment, you must lean into the trust that you will be provided for.

If not, doubt will erode your manifesting power, aligning you with the doubt reality, not the true reality of what is possible and what is your natural state. When you are in doubt, anxious, not sure if it will arrive, and/or questioning the viability of what you want coming to be, you are communicating with the universe (and your subconscious) that you don't really believe it can be.


If you don't believe it can be, it won't be.



Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall Bounty Gratitude LIVE Video

I touch on:

The power of gratitude, magnetism, vibration and more...

And a reminder that what you pay attention to grows.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

5 Powerful Tips for Effective Manifesting

Manifesting is an art. It's not a complicated one. You don't need to take years in art school to learn it. There are no more hoops you have to jump through to "get it".

Actually, a part of you remembers how to do it, because it is your natural state. Manifesting is allowing yourself to receive the joy and abundance that is inherently yours. All you desire is already available to! It's a matter of aligning your consciousness and way of being with your intentions and allowing.

REMEMBER: You are manifesting all the time. The question is, are you manifesting what you desire? What helps you feel good? What helps you know peace? What helps you know freedom?

You can manifest on purpose, using the power of your conscious mind and choice to create what you desire.

5 Powerful Tips for Effective Manifesting:

1) Get clear about what you want and declare it.

2) Visualize it, feel it. Really get into this. Close your eyes and allow the emotion of what you desire to be present with you in the now. Do this every day.

3) Act as if. Identify how a person would act if they were in the experience you desire. What would their daily habits be? How would they walk? How would they talk? What would they think? What action would they take? How would they feel? Write it down. Then act that way.

4) Give thanks. Gratitude has so many benefits to your life, one being that it is a high magnetizing vibration that helps you manifest what you desire.

5) Allow. Let yourself receive the magnificence you are designed for.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Abraham on the World Financial Crisis

Here's one voice, from Law of Attraction expert Abraham-Hicks:

What do you think?

Monday, October 27, 2008

The 7th Secret

I'm getting ready to launch a FRE*E report, "8 Secrets to Thriving in Good Times and Bad".

It will help put things in to perspective so that you stay focused on what is essential to you, align with your highest self, and continue to manifest your desires.

These times are calling you out.

Here's a glimpse into the report.....the 7th secret is GRATITUDE.


REMEMBER: You cannot be in gratitude and feel bad.

I encourage you to give thanks every day. Take a few moments to acknowledge what you are grateful for, even the challenging things.

Let gratitude infuse your being with the thriving vitality that is its essence.

Keep your eye out for this report. In the meantime, the 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose is lauching on November 1.

NOW is the perfect time to say yes to living.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Move Over Fear, There's a New Model of Success Emerging-PART 2

Focus your attention on the Now and tell me what problem you have at this moment."

~Eckhart Tolle

Truthfully, in the midst of this turbulence and crisis, there is enormous opportunity!

*Consider this* Things are falling apart because the old model for success has seen its time.

Things needed shaking up because a new model of success is ready to emerge.

What IS the "old model" and "new model" I speak to?

{Well, actually, that is a big part of what I teach in my work and in offerings such as: "Gratitude: Manifesting on Purpose in 30 Days" and "Be Alive"}.

The old model of success works against the rhythms of nature and universal principles, and therefor is depleting, unsustainable and impossible to achieve.

The new model of success works WITH the rhythms of nature and in harmony with universal principles, and therefor is expansive and life affirming.

I GUARANTEE that the new model of success will increase your aliveness if you allow it to.

We are in enormous times of change. You get to decide what you want it to mean, how you let it impact the quality of your life and future possibilities. I leave you with a few tips for balance and wellness...

4 Tips for Transcending Fear
*Focus on what's important to you/your purpose
*Remember that you are in charge of your well being
*Be in the now

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's a part of the r-evolv-ution! People are flooding in.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Move Over Fear, There's a NEW Model of Success Emerging- Part One

Have you felt the fear?

It comes with the chaos and turbulence.

There is something significant happening, on a global level, that I want to talk to you about. If you're interested in living through a NEW MODEL for success-true success-then you will be interested in what I have to say.

But first, let me get back to the fear.

It's a default reaction to change and crisis. People share with me the anxiety troubling them lately.

I heard a definition of fear years ago that still provides perspective:

See, most of what you feel comes from a belief that there is something to fear. There isn't. What you think is gone, isn't. What you perceive as threat, isn't.

I know, the climate of change we are in is monumental; that is one reason it strikes such a fundamental fear cord. At this fundamental level, your sense of security can feel threatened. But really, it isn't.

REAL security comes from within and is never threatened by the external.

So, acknowledge your feelings, shift your attention and get in line with what you are here for.
*DON'T let fear convince you something is wrong.
*DON'T fall into the illusion that worry will help (Tolle says that worry pretends to be useful, but really has no purpose).
*DON'T let outward circumstances define your reality.

Remember: ALL IS WELL.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Enthusiastically ready to dispel some myths about success & what it takes to be alive!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What does it take to be fully alive?

Abraham on the World Financial Crisis

What do you think?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

3 Reasons I'm Nutty About Gratitude

1) It works.

When applied, gratitude works. And if you're like me, you're committed to nothing less than what works.

Actually, life is meant to work. Your life is meant to be fulfilling. You are designed to fulfill what you came for. What did you come for? Identify it and declare it. Then give thanks for it.

When you are grateful, you create a confident disposition, a way of holding life and its unfoldings as if there is something to be thankful for (and there is). But even when you don't feel that what is before you is worthy of thanks (which can be heightened in times of crisis), when you choose to be grateful, you affirm that life is inherently good AND that what you desire is already created.

So, now it is created. You don’t have to see it yet to believe it. Believe it and then you will see it.

Anyway, my point is that it works.

  • Decide
  • Get Clear
  • Believe
  • Consistently give thanks

When you do, you will leverage one of the most powerful links to using the Law of Attraction deliberately. You manifest what you want when gratitude is a part of your practice.

2) It feels good.

Feeling bad is over rated. Drama is sensationalized. Victimhood is old school.

You may think it's elementary for me to be pointing out to do something that feels good. But you know, so many people are making choices that feel bad. And then, they keep paying attention to the situations that make them feel bad, complaining about what is wrong!

You can't create what you want by continuing to focus on what makes you feel bad.

And you can't attract what you desire by continuing to feel bad. When you feel bad you vibrate at a lower frequency, which means you are not able to attract something beyond your status quo.

In fact...

You continue to attract more of the same.

Gratitude is a consciousness. It vibrates at a very high frequency. So when you choose to direct your attention toward gratitude, you shift your frequency and you start to feel good.

Yep, it can be that simple.

3) The world needs TLC.

I’m so ready for a new way of being together. Aren’t you?

Poverty, oppression, unnecessary suffering.

Stick with me here. This really is about feeling good. :)

Let's get real. Sometimes it's hard to feel good in the midst of all that we see around us (and feel in our own lives). The doom and gloom can take its toll, the suffering of our humanity can be depleting and devastating.

Yet there is nothing noble about shrinking from it. It doesn't mean you care more if you feel bad about what is going on.

You cannot change what is by feeling bad about it, fighting it, resisting it or rejecting it.

The best way to help change this world for the better is by simply feeling good. Feeling joy. Feeling peace. Feeling alive. When you are in a state of joy, peace and aliveness, your energy just naturally ripples out.

And how can you get there? You got it!! GRATITUDE.

Be grateful and you WILL be a part of raising humanity to another way of being that ensures that we flourish.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Attention: It's All Tumbling Down!

It's all about your attention.

Times are changing. Things are falling apart. Systems are tumbling down.

Where will you place your attention? What will you make it mean?

You can join the "oh my" fear band wagon. It's a giant one. They are taking people right now.

It's tempting, I know. The nigglings of fear that were still left in you can't help but be triggered in times of such uncertainty.

That's good news, though. How?

See, part of the rapid change provides opportunity to clear out. There are things that you will not need to take with you on the next leg of the journey. Old fears, stories, paradigms.... they will be useless to your new life.

These times demand that you get more savvy with placing your attention where you want it.

That is, if you want to be joyful, at peace and free (by all means, do pay attention to the mayhem if you want to).

There are not many things you really have control over in life. A part of personal mastery is getting this. Surrender and let go where you need to. And get in charge where you can.

Usually, people have it the wrong way around. They let their thoughts run them, and they try to change what is around them. You relate?

That is backwards.

Instead, you need to let go of trying to change what is outside of you (i.e. through complaining, advocating, forcing, manipulating, convicing, blaming etc.) and learn how to use the power of your mind.

If you want to reside in a place of possibility in the midst of change and manifest your desires and the beginnings awaiting you, you must:

1) Get clear about what you want- Really clear. Identify and articulate it out loud. No kinda, sorta, would like language. Speak as if it is so.

2) Acknowledge your fears- Feel them. Breath. Release them. Listen, we're human. There will be a time when you can live without fear (REALLY!). Until that time comes, denying your fears will simply compound them. Do let yourself feel and then move on. Remember the move on part, OK? {A tool for releasing fear is EFT.}

3) Choose your attention-Put your mind to work by selecting the kinds of thoughts that help you feel good. If you feel bad, you are thinking a fearful thought. You are designed to feel good. That is your true nature. So, if you feel bad, instead of feeling bad that you feel bad, take it as a sign that your thoughts are in default.

What can you do?

*Create new thoughts.
*Surround yourself with thinking and messages that uplift you (i.e. music, inspirational speakers, poems, alive friends)

The dictionary says:


  • the act or faculty of attending, esp. by directing the mind to an object.
  • a concentration of the mind on a single object or thought, esp. one preferentially selected from a complex, with a view to limiting or clarifying receptivity by narrowing the range of stimuli.
  • a state of consciousness characterized by such concentration.
  • a capacity to maintain selective or sustained concentration.


  1. Direct your mind to the object of your desire
  2. Concentrate and narrow your range of stimuli to only that which contributes to what you want
  3. Create a state of consciousness that helps you attract what you want
  4. Establish practices that sustain your concentration on the above
Yep, it's all tumbling down. You get to choose what it will mean.

If you want it to mean that change is natural, chaos is part of the order, new life is born when the old life falls away, and that possibilities exist NO MATTER what is going on around you, be diligent about where you place your attention, making sure it aligns with such a reality.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Key Deleted Scene from "The Secret"

This scene was deleted from "The Secret".


  • Everything is energy.
  • Everything is vibration.
  • We translate vibration.
  • The most potent form of energy is thought.
  • Your thoughts emite frequency.

Monday, September 15, 2008

5 Reasons that Gratitude is Where It's At

Why gratitude?

Why does it help you create what you want?

Why is it a sure way to living the Law of Attraction on purpose?

1) What you pay attention to grows.
2) Thankfulness brings about more reasons to be thankful.
3) Being grateful feels good. When you feel good, you are in alignment with yourself. When you are in alignment with yourself, you attract what you desire.
4) Gratitude is a higher principle, meaning it is connected to a greater truth that vibrates at a frequency that acts like a high powered magnet.
5) Gratitude is infectious. For you and others.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My 1st Movie: Gratitude!


Gratitude is a direct link to manifesting deliberately.

Learn about GRATITUDE: 30 days of Manifesting on Purpose, an ecourse that walks you through a way of being gauranteed to change your life.

I am so excited about this one! Gratitude has dramatically increased the quality of my life and the lives of people I've taught it to.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Keeping Juiced & Inner Nudges: A Video on Inspired Action

You are designed to experience the manifestation of what you desire!

What do you do when you get stuck or can't maintain momentum? Get inspired!


  • Why desires are nudges that guide you
  • Why you have an inner guidance system
  • What the Dali Lama says the purpose of life is
  • What is inspired action?
  • How do you act from inspiration?
  • The irony of manifesting

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Downside to Manifesting What You Want

What is the downside to manifesting what you want?

I recently listened to a call with Carol Look and Bob Doyle featuring EFT. One of the questions she posed during it was, "What is the downside to reaching your goals?"

I've asked this of myself and clients before. Not in the same way. I inquire about how a particular pattern or habit serves me or them. I mean, we don't do anything without a reason. We just don't know it. And the reason doesn't have to be healthy or updated to what you think your current truth is. We've just adopted ways and keep them because they serve us somehow.

And then, there's change. Really, that is so much of what this all comes down to. We have such an odd relationship with change as humans. We resist it. Fight it. Run from it.

I believe it's tied to our survival consciousness. Something primal in us thinks it's threatening on some level. Threatening to our very existence. I mean, why else would humans do such destructive things to themselves and others?


Moving to my next train of thought which is the fear of actually receiving and being all that we desire. We are afraid of having what we want. How silly is that?

Face it. See it for what it is. With compassion, mind you. And you will be released from it. Maybe even get to the point of being able to laugh about it.

As I get real with my own intentions, I explore the question. What is the downside to manifesting what I want? It's not the change for me anymore. I'm not afraid of changing my life. Of re-arranging circumstances. Of re-establishing my understanding of my identity.

What comes up for me again and again is "being seen". What does that mean?

There is something about being visible that has been scarey to me. I believe that some of it is past life, as I don't know a woman today who does not have some kind of fear around putting her self out there (we have all been persecuted in one way or another in some life time).

I am already visible in my work. As I write, publish, expand my business, speak more, coach more... all to see my mission through to help people be fully alive... I increase my visibility.

There is a part of me that thinks that is vain. It is ego. I know my purpose is greater than that. I know that ultimately I will transcend this concern. In this moment, I take the time to honor it.

So what are my limited, fear-based beliefs about being seen? I will be laughed at, I will make a fool of myself, I will fail, I will be called a fraud, I will put myself in harms way, I will be accessible to negative energies....

It's more than that. There is something deeper in me. It doesn't "make sense". I don't know that fear ever does on some level. But it's there. This idea that being visible is dangerous. Wow. I will release that.

And you know, I don't care if I'm laughed at. I don't care if I fail. I don't care if I'm called a fraud. Because there is life to live. There are people to serve. There's humanity to awaken. There's a planet to restore. All this is far greater than any moments of terror I create for myself in believing limited thoughts.

I align with purpose.
I align with higher principles.
I align with consciousness that is for the highest and best.

With these choices I am free.

What is the downside to you manifesting what you desire? Get real about it. Make a list. Lovingly honor yourself for what arises. Honor it so that it gets the attention it needs and then move on. Do not stay there.

Do what you need to do to be that which will create what you desire. Release your ideas of the downside. Get support. If it is grounded in something "real" (i.e. leaving a job), get support in navigating the change process. Feel your feelings.

And finally, keep focused on your purpose, your values, your intentions. They will guide and inform you through it all.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Can Spiritual Retreat Help You Attract What You Want?

My 1st video. Way cool!

It reveals how spiritual retreat contributes to you being fully alive, boundless living, attracting what you want in life. It outlines 4 elements to incorporate in your retreat.


Spiritual retreat=Carving out time from day to day life. Retreating out of the ordinary into the extraordinary.

4 Elements to Spiritual Retreat (and to Attraction)

1) Sacredness
2) Purification/Cleansing
3) Intention
4) Embodiment

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Powerful Manifesting Tool-My FREE Audio gift to you

Check out this audio I made for my year long "Be Alive" path. I'm sharing it with you for FR+EE. It's just 8 minutes.

This is a tool I've been using for years. IT WORKS>>>>>>

It highlights:

*Feeding your mind with the reality you want
*Theory is just theory; practice is where it's at
*Magnetism quote from Napoleon Hill
*A process for creating your own affirmations
*Affirmations I use

Life's riches are waiting for you to receive them.

"It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. "

~Muhammad Ali

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Surprising Connection Between Cleaning Your Sock Drawer & Law of Attraction

What does cleaning your sock drawer have to do with the Law of Attraction?


Here's the deal.....

The way you organize your life determines whether you will or will not attract new beginnings, new experiences...whatever you desire to attract.

Plain and simple.

Many get frustrated about how to manifest what they want in life. They think they have clearly stated what they want (which isn't always true. hint: Name what you want. Do not be vague), they feel the drive to have what they want, go about personal growth, read some books.... yet still nothing. Sound familiar?

The personal growth is great. Keep learning, keep stretching, keep expanding. You will increase your capacity for more of the wonders of life as you grow. Just remember to get into the spirit of learning and not be enticed to believe that there is some key "out there" for you to find. You have all you need within.

OK, so back to the socks.

I've been working closely with the Law of Attraction for some time now. I've become intimate with the workings of this magical facet of the universe! One of the things that clearly needs to occur for you to create and receive what you desire is for you to make way. You need clearing processes so you can release old, limited beliefs. Choosing and practicing tools that keep you clear is essential to allowing what you desire to come in (note: Practice is paramount! Without practice, it's all just theory). If you have blocks to receiving, however much you desire something, the subconscious will not allow you to attract it.

But this isn't about that. It's about the socks.

There is another way that you need to keep clear. And that is with your stuff and how you organize and structure your physical belongings. If your belongings are not in an order that demonstrates you are ready for more, you will not receive it.

Make sense?

Here's an example of how this shows up. Money. Lots of people intend to have more money. Take a look at your current state of belongings and your organization.

How can the universe provide you with more money if your current state of affairs demonstrates you are not in the flow with what is? How you manage your affairs effects what you can or cannot attract. If you are not being a good steward of the resources you have, why would more come in?

You've got to get real with yourself. Do this with compassion, not criticism.

Remember, money is energy. Energy flows in and out freely and abundantly to sources that are clear and unencumbered by "stuff". If your stuff is not in order, you cannot attract more. To consider:

1) Do you have too much stuff?
2) Do you have stuff that you do not use?
3) Is your stuff unorganized?
4) Is your stuff cluttered?

If you answered yes to even one of the questions, you are blocking money from coming into your life.

What are possible indications of each of these states?

Too much stuff =hoarding, clinging or fear of not having enough
Stuff you do not use=not knowing the value of what you have, fear of letting go, holding out for another day
Stuff unorganized=overwhelm, scattered thinking, confusion, feeling like a victim
Stuff cluttered=cluttered mind, state of disorientation, waiting for someone to rescue you, fear of decision

**Many people think that once they have the money they want, the life they want, the joy they want- that life will 'come together'. But it's the opposite. You must get your life together so that the stuff you want can flow in! And I'm not just talking about money or material objects. I'm talking about joy, health, peace....qualities of fulfillment.

What can you do? You need to clear the way by getting organized. Some ideas:

1) Go through your things and get rid of stuff that you no longer use.
2) Give stuff away as gifts for those who will appreciate it.
3) Assess your essentials and get rid of excess.
4) Get organized. If this is hard to do alone, get humble and ask for help.
5) Create systems to keep things organized, simple, clear and fresh.

Oh, and clean your sock drawer. This all began when I realized that I needed to clear mine because I had all those "extra" one-sockers that I thought I'd find the other to use again some day. You know, those mysterious single socks that appear after laundry.

Anyway, clean your sock drawer and organize your belongings so you can allow for the abundance that is rightfully yours to flow in. It's there. Waiting. You just need to make way.
Kendra E Thornbury, MA, inspires and guides people to be fully alive through her dynamic coaching, facilitation, workshops, teleseminars, writing and online resources. She helps people awaken to the bounty of life and live in joy.

Posted by Lessons In Law of Attraction at 11:32 AM 0 comments

Friday, July 18, 2008

What IS Boundless Living?!

I'm having so much fun with the Boundless Living Challenge, and it hasn't even officially started! (begins July 20)

When you decide to do something, it begins. Commitment puts things into motion. Connections start happening. People show up. Signs reveal themselves. The universe WANTS you to succeed, and when you DECIDE to do something/be something... it will conspire to your benefit. You gotta be clear to start. You gotta decide, are you really in?

HINT: If you are not really all in, there will be hesitation and there is NO WAY TO ATTRACT WHAT YOU WANT WITH HESITATION.

In the teleseminar last night, Bob Doyle said this is not about playing small. Oh, yeah. I'm all over that.

You ready to play big? I AM!

Since I've launched into this, I've been reflecting on boundless living. What does that mean?

Boundless. No boundaries. No limits. No walls. No confines.

Boundless. Infinite. Vast. Endless. Beyond.


Ahhhhhh, can you feel it?

Think about it. Your life is an expression of the life force that resides within all. Life force is simply energy. It's the essence of life. It is all there is.

Do you believe there are limits to this life force? If you do, then you think there are limits to your life. Do you believe there are bounds on how much joy you can experience? If you do, there are bounds on the joy you experience. Do you believe there is not enough money for everyone? If you do, you probably don't have enough, and if you do, you may feel guilt because you are "taking away" from others.

You get it.

But here's the deal. Life force is. It does not have bounds. It is pure potential, abundantly accessible every moment. It does not exhaust it self. It naturally renews. It naturally grows. It naturally evolves.

Take this knowing one step further and examine what, then, boundless living would be. I see that in boundless living I:

  • constantly create

  • welcome more and more joy

  • grow into greater expressions of success

  • abundantly give and receive energy and money

  • open to new insights every day

  • understand the true meaning of gratitude

  • am content in the trust I have for the process of life

  • am able to attract all I desire

  • rejoice at my dreams come true

  • welcome the unknown and not knowing "how", feeling the adventure of it all

  • live beyond what I "think"

  • live an inspired life

  • add value and contribute to the lives of others


There are no limits. Anything is possible! It all begins with your decision, your choice. Choose life and it will reveal riches.

What does boundless living mean to you?

Monday, July 14, 2008

2 Steps Can Totally Shift Your Life-Even Create Miracles!

It's not true that it takes a lot of effort and time to change your life. It's not true that you need to struggle and strain to manifest what you desire.

Certainly the change process includes "growing pains" that are a natural part of shifting from one set of experiences to another.

If you are ready to experience new results, you will be letting go of an old way of being. That is true.

And with that, you will be adjusting to a new reality. You will stretch into a new awareness and find that your physical reality will need to adjust. One of the reasons that people don't really go after what they say they want in life is because of their resistance to change. The unknown can be a part of change. Do not mistake stagnation with stability. Part of the pain that is caused through the change process is the resistance to it, not the change itself.

The nature of life is change. When you embrace this you will be able to go with the flow and allow the life force that is you to create and experience with all the ease and joy you desire.

Here are 2 steps that can take you from struggling to change, or trying to find that "right formula". Stop looking and take action.

1) Clear the Way: There is clutter in your mind that is taking away from the pure flow of life's bliss. This clutter is the past, limited beliefs, fears, stories.... You can clear them and make way for life to live as intended (I've described many clearing techniques before-Emotioinal Freedom Technique, Sweat Lodge, Smudging, Ho'oponopono, and more. Experiment with what works for you).

2) Expand your Vision: The possibilities are immense! The possibility of life expressed through you is boundless. Find ways to get in a state of relaxation and tap your imagination. Let your mind go and allow the visions to emerge. There are so many experiences of life waiting to reveal themselves to you! Visualizing is an avenue to unleash pure potential. It is a process of guiding and opening toward the vastness of what is only pure energy and life force.

I'm offering these 2 powerful elements for creating what you one session.

I've been using these strategies in my own life and with clients, so I know they work (I don't waste your time or mine).

Here's a quote from one client.....

Subject: And the miracles keep on happening!

"Wow, wow, wow, WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!! The aha! moments just keep on coming. Oh my. Big big big BIG! The session we had last week has opened me up to so much!
The experience of beliefs and visioning has been such an incredible gift. Kendra's gentle guidance has made possible for me what I have yearned for nearly my whole life. Thank you, Kendra, this was, and continues to be, life changing."

This offer is limited, but YOU ARE NOT!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

45 Days to the Life of Your Dreams!

I'm proud to be a sponsor of the Boundless Living Challenge!

This 45 day program is inspired by Bob Doyle, an expert featured on the movie phenomenon "The Secret".

This challenge will allow you to step OUT of your comfort zone and allow you do things you never thought possible.

Nearly all of us have SOMETHING that we "wish" we could do or be, but are stopped - either by limiting beliefs, issues of deserving, or some other form of resistance.

There is NO cost, and no obligation to purchase anything or join any program. We are offering a safe, supportive environment for you to dream big, and then REALIZE those dreams.

  • No fee to enter
  • Thousands of dollars in prizes and awards
  • Tremendous support and encouragement
  • Track your progress online
  • Proven, powerful tools for getting "un-stopped"
  • An unparalleled opportunity to succeed
  • Ongoing coaching throughout the 45 days
  • No goal too big or too small. It's YOUR dream!

LAUNCH DATE IS JULY 20. Check it out today

Kendra E Thornbury, MA, inspires and guides people to be fully alive through her dynamic coaching, facilitation, workshops, teleseminars, writing and online resources. She helps people awaken to the bounty of life, design life through their values and live in joy.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

What the Bleep do I Know about Blogging?

Well, just a bit. I'm making my way through the "help" section of blogger.

LISTEN: if you want something, be proactive in creating it!

I don't mean to insult you.
I'm sure you already know this.

It's just that so many people still don't have what they want in life. So many are getting by. So many are waiting for that some day. So many are simply not partaking in the magnificence of life!

I'm living on purpose. I'm saying yes. I'm leveraging the Law of Attraction to manifest my destiny.

Tips for deliberately using Law of Attraction:

1) Get Clear
2) Resolve/Decide
3) Choose Trust
4) Act As If

How I'm applying this to blogging:

1) I'm clear that I'm here to support people to awaken to the bounty of life and experience joy and abundance. I'm clear that blogging is one of many tools that helps me connect with people and share my message.
2) I've decided to make my purpose a reality and live it every day. No question. No reservation. I've resolved to make it so. I do.
3) I trust that the universe is collaborating for my success, as that is the true nature of life. I trust that the people, resources and connections I need to manifest what I desire reveal themselves with ease. I trust my innate wisdom and my greater purpose. I trust the process of life. I allow.
4) I act as if I'm that which I've resolved to be. So I am. I see it. I feel it. I visualize it. I meditate it. I breath it. I act as if it is so. I take any action steps I need to. In this specific case, I act as if I'm a savvy blogger and tons of traffic is moving through my blog. I know I add value to people's lives.

So, here's one concrete step for mastering blogging:

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.

  • How to get traffic to your blog.

  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

IT IS SO!>>>>>>>>>>

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Can It Be Easy?


Struggle, drama, tension. Forcing, trying, deliberating.

Are you ready to replace it?

Are you ready to shift your reality?

You can!

Each and every moment you choose. That is the power of your mind. You have the capacity to change your mind, shift your mind, direct your mind. Are you using it?

Will you use it?

Here's the deal. We are all undergoing significant change on this planet. You can accept it and go with the flow. Or you can resist it and create pain for yourself.

It is natural to be the flow. It is natural to be in your day to day life in a way that you know ease.

Say yes to the flow. Say yes to the path of least resistance. Let life that wants to express itself through you reveal its many wonders.

One tool for creating what you want in life is meditation. Meditation alludes a lot of people; it feels hard or abstract. I often guide my clients in meditation, as a bit of structure and guidance can be useful to attaining the state you want to be in.

And what is this state?

Stillness. Being. Observing.

Meditation is not about "getting somewhere". People sometimes share with me that they think they are supposed to be doing something or getting something or seeing something.

Part of the process of meditation is learning to simply be with what is. Creating a stance of "observer" in your mind is a liberation from the usual prison you can create in your thoughts. Oh, there's another thought.... interesting. Just be with it. Don't let it define you.


I could go on and on about this stuff. It's so juicy!

What I want you to take away from this entry is the importance of some sort of meditation practice. Meditation will foster a state of mind and being that keeps you open, clear and vibrating in a way that will support you attracting what you want. It will help you maintain a state that harmonizes your brain and being so that you are at your optimum.

A tool that I've come across to support your meditation is "Holosync". It makes it easy for you.

What are the benefits?
» Super-deep meditation, literally at the touch of a button
» Improved mental abilities, heightened creativity and problem solving ability
» Dramatic reduction in stress and anxiety
» Improved health and a new sense of mental, emotional and physical well-being
» Increased focus, concentration, memory and learning ability
» Increased motivation and confidence
» Production in the brain of many vital neurochemicals proven to slow aging and keep the body young, alive and fully functioning
» Better, more restful sleep
» More happiness and flow in your life
» Healing of unresolved mental and emotional blocks

Click on the link on the top right hand side of this blog to learn more and get a FREE CD to check it out. The link is a flash link; it says "Centerpointe" and "Meditate Like a Zen Monk" and "FREE Demo"

It works!

Let it be easy.

Kendra E Thornbury, MA, inspires and guides people to be fully alive through her dynamic coaching, facilitation, workshops, teleseminars, writing and online resources. She helps people awaken to the bounty of life, design their lives through their values and live in joy.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Keep the Channels Open

"There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you, into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium--and be lost. The world will not have it.

It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly--to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or yourwork. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open."

~Martha Graham

Oooh, this is so good!

I have highlighted a few key phrases relative to the latest I've been sharing with you about keeping clear. Let's explore each....

1) There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you

YES! This is the original life force you came into this world with. It is the natural, uninhibited, raw, essential energy that zings you with aliveness. It is "source" energy (that which is purely divine). It is in all of us. It is part of our commonality and oneness. Yet, it is expressed through you uniquely as you.

When you are connected and aligned with this natural life force, you are in the flow and have harmonized with your true nature. And when you have allowed this to occur, you live in ease and attract what you want.

2) If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium--and be lost.

Furthermore, if you block it, you will not receive and express the wonder of life that you are designed for. You will not experience your birthright of joy, health, peace and abundance--and whatever else you know you are here for.

3) It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly

This is another way of talking about "clearing" (See last entry for specific tips). Your business is to ensure that the vital force that is the true nature of life continue to move through you with clarity and ease.

If you don't stay clear, the way is cluttered and the natural flow is not able to do its thing. This clutter can be your past, limited beliefs, fears, etc.

When you are clear, you become that which you desire through your beingness. You are in harmony, and when you are in harmony, you will see, feel, think, and hear what you need to be and do in order to attract what you want.

***NOTE: Here's the deal! You cannot go any further with this unless you take responsibility. Taking full responsibility for your life is instrumental here. You are the creator. You are not a victim. Nobody's going to do it for you.

4) You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges

I have a new ebook coming out on the Law of Attraction and there is a lesson in "Desire". Desires can come forth in urges. We have learned to push them aside for various reasons. Now, in order to create on purpose, you will adopt a new policy>>>>>>

Listen to your urges. In order to hear them, you must be clear and aware. I've talked a lot about the importance of awareness; I believe it to be the source of true freedom and power.

5) Keep the channel open

Get out of the way and let life happen. Life knows how to live.

Kendra E Thornbury, MA, inspires and guides people to be fully alive through her dynamic coaching, facilitation, workshops, teleseminars, writing and online resources. She helps people awaken to the bounty of life, design their lives through their values and live in joy.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Making Way for What You Want

Remember, the Law of Attraction is always in effect.

You are always creating your reality.

The question is, do you do it by design or default? Do you intend what you want to happen? Do you design your experience based on your desires and values? Do you create what you long to fulfill?


Do you react to life? Do you find that you are simply "keeping up"? Do you merely stay focused on managing your life? Does what you desire just seem like something you will get to another day? Do your intentions fall by the wayside because you slip into the same old patterns and habits?

"Making way" is essential to manifesting what you desire. This means clearing the way so that you can get out of the way and allow yourself to receive.

The Quakers have a sang, "Proceed as way opens". I love this.

And to proceed, the way must be open.

So how do you make the way open?
NOTE: In order to clear, which is essential to designing life on purpose/using the Law of Attraction deliberately, you must take responsibility for your reality and take action. So, if you are going to proceed, you need to take responsibility. If you don't, manifestation will not occur.

You need to practice regular tools/processes/rituals that "clear" you. Clearing includes letting go of limited beliefs, inherited fears, and old stories. These aspects of your mind get lodged in your subconscious, your body consciousness, and then continue to influence your choices and actions (Without you thinking about it. It is your default.) They become blocks that prevent you from receiving the glory of all that you are and all you desire. They clutter the path between you and what you want.

Here are 6 suggestions for clearing:

1) "Smudging"- This is a Native American tradition I have used for many years. You use sage, a clearing plant from the earth, to purify and cleanse. You light the sage and move the smoke over your body. Close your eyes. Breath in the sage. Let the sage do its natural work and clear away.

2) Sweat Lodge- Another Native American tradition, although known to other cultures throughout the world. This is a more in depth purification ceremony that uses all the elements (earth, fire, air and water) in service to your clearing.

3) Gratitude- Yep. Here I am at gratitude again (if you haven't got my free book on Gratitude, be sure to do so!). Gratitude is benefit packed, and clearing is one benefit. By focusing on a way of being that is grateful, you position your self to clear out blocks.

4) Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)- EFT is based on a discovery regarding the body's subtle energies. It is an emotional version of acupuncture, except needles aren't necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere.

5) Ho'oponopono- This is a Hawaiian self-help methodology that removes the obstacles that block your path, freeing your mind to find new and unexpected ways to get what you want out of life. In "Zero Limits", Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len reveal this wisdom.

The main process includes 4 statements.

  • I am sorry
  • Please forgive me

  • Thank you

  • I love you

6) Forgiveness- There is nothing like forgiveness to heal, transform and let the way be open. Yes, that requires being in touch with your emotions and letting them flow. Two processes that support forgiveness:

a) "The Work" by Byron Katie. One of my personal favorites. Can get free worksheets on the site.

b) "Radical Forgiveness" by Colin Tipping. Can get free worksheet on site.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Confession: I Believed My Fears!

"Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment. That is what's real."

~Sara Paddison

It's true. I believed my fears. I used to be completely convinced they were real.

And then, last week, these old beliefs reared their head. "I'm afraid of failing, of being laughed at, of loosing people I care about." The list goes on.

It dawned on me, after all these years of "being with" them as a way of practicing acceptance (and the Path of Least Resistance) that it is the BELIEF in fear that is the trap. I realized that when I respond to the fear AS IF IT IS TRUE that I loose my self.

A great revelation.

I impart it to you so that you realize that your belief in your fears is what holds you back. Fears that are limiting stories are just that....limiting stories. So, see them as that and stop living as if they are real!

If you do not have what you want, it is because you believe your fears.

Choose to believe in only what expands you (See last entry for exercise on creating expansive beliefs).

Kendra E Thornbury, MA, inspires and guides people to be fully alive through her dynamic coaching, facilitation, workshops, teleseminars, writing and online resources. She helps people awaken to the bounty of life, design their lives through their values and live in joy.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What Do You Believe?

"I believe in the sun even if it isn't shining."

~World War II Refugee

Beliefs are integral to the reality you create.


In the spirit of awareness, I invite you to consider what you believe. Do your beliefs create what you want? Are you willing to discard your beliefs and replace them with ones that serve your desired experience? Do your beliefs limit you or expand you?

The dictionary says belief is:

1) The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another
2) Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something
3) Something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet or a body of tenets accepted by a group of persons

Your beliefs can be so engrained that you don't even consider whether they are real or not. Your beliefs can be so automatic, that you live based on their "truth" (another demonstration of stimulus-----> response habits I talked about last week). For example, you may have been taught that dreaming is too lofty, too "pie in the sky". You may have heard that you can't make money doing what you love, that you need to be more practical. You may have been influenced by the idea that there is only so much to go around. These are only beliefs. They are not reality. That is, if you don't want them to be.

Beliefs are stories repeated over and over again. They are affirmations that we have given our confidence and trust to.

What do you want to give your confidence to? What do you want to trust to be true? About the nature of reality? About your circumstances? About your future? About your self?


Do you want the real reality to be that we are here to thrive and know light-hearted joy?

Do you want it to be true that the universe wants you to succeed?


Write/journal about your beliefs. Create a column of "LIMITED BELIEFS"
and "EXPANSIVE BELIEFS". In one column, write out your limited beliefs. These beliefs limit your reality, hold you back, keep you small, create obstacles, and simply make you feel bad. In the next column, write out your expansive beliefs. These beliefs expand your reality, connect you with a greater purpose, align you with your values, and help you feel good.

You can do this with specific topics. i.e. the nature of the universe, joy, your self, success

At the top, put your topic. My beliefs about ______ are.....

When you are done, take note of how much time you spend in limited beliefs and how much in expansive beliefs.

If you are ready, decide to spend more time in expansive beliefs. Choose a few keys ones and write them somewhere you can read and say aloud to yourself frequently.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Awareness Eradicates Suffering

In the May edition of my SpiritAlive enewsletter, I said: Awareness is the very foundation that your life sits upon. Life mirrors what you hold possible and true in your mind.


a vehicle for thriving.


  • paying attention
  • consciousness
  • being awake
  • presence
  • noticing
  • being real about what is


A tool for the Law of Attraction.

So what does awareness have to do with the law of attraction? The power of your mind... to decide, to choose, to focus. All these qualities and abilities of the mind influence your ability to harness the law of attraction to work for you, for what you desire.

As far as harnessing the law of attraction, most people want to learn how to harness it to increase their joy.

First, let me explain how most people live.

They have an experience. The experience is the stimulus. Then they respond.


In this way of being, one is at the mercy of default responses. This can include stories, defenses, and reactions. These do not come from who one is... they come from the past, what one has been "trained" to do, and survival.

When you cultivate awareness, you create, among other things, choice.

You have an experience (stimulus). You breath. You feel. You stay present. You draw forth your innate knowing. You pay attention to what you want. You are awake to the moment.

Thus, you create:

Stimulus------> CHOICE----->Response

We create our suffering.* I know that is a big reality to consider. But I truly want you to live in your power. To do this, you need to get real about the power you have to create your reality. Suffering can be mild or dramatic. You know what suffering means to you.

I believe you can eradicate suffering with awareness. In turn, you welcome a state of being that includes ongoing joy.

*I saw Iylana Vanzant speak the other night and she said that we have to stop glorifying our suffering.

Pay attention to your stimulus-----> response patterns. When you have experiences, what do you notice about how you respond? Do you react automatically? Do you think? Do you lash out? Do you stifle your voice? Do you stay present? Do you choose?


Kendra E Thornbury, MA, inspires and guides people to be fully alive through coaching, training, teleseminars, workshops, writing, and resources.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Awareness and the Law of Attraction

There is a relationship between awareness and the Law of Attraction.

You see, your consciousness creates your reality. You may be aware of your consciousness, or you may not. When you are, you are able to see things for what they are, be with them, and evaluate them. You are able to do this with ease and clarity. Once you are able to be with what is (which is another way of describing acceptance) you can evaluate and discern whether what is occurring is a reflection of the reality you want to experience.

If it is not, you then can change your reality.

What you are aware of you can change.

Any thing or experience that you want to have
is available to you. You can become it. You just have to
get into the consciousness that allows that to occur.

When your consciousness dominates your awareness to
such an extent that you can't conceive of any other state
of mind other than the state of mind that you're in,
turn your attention to the power of mind, make a choice,
and learn to create an awarneness that will allow you
to expand your consciosness to be the consciousness
that will attract what you desire.


Isn't this stuff fun?!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Abraham-Hicks Video Explains Law of Attraction, Resistance, Your Frequency and more!

A great video on the Law of Attraction...

Some highlights:

Law of Attraction= That which is likened to itself is drawn.

Ask for what you want and then find a way to bring your self into vibrational frequency of what you are asking for.

If you want more money, you must not continue to tell the story that you don't have enough money. You cannot continue to point out the absence of something you want without holding your self in resistance to something you want.

As you tell the story, you activate the vibration within you.

Tell your self...

"If I let go of resistance and doubt,
If I let go of unworthiness, unfairness and injustice.
If I focus upon the brightest spots that I can find in my physical time space reality or beyond,
I will let loose of resistance and the stream will carry me to the exalted expression of who I truly am."

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Act As If

"Act as if it were impossible to fail."

-Dorothea Brande

Are you waiting to act successful until you are successful? Are you waiting to feel joy until you are in joy? Are you waiting to feel abundant until you are abundant?

Can you detect the strangeness of such an approach? Or perhaps that it is self-defeating?

If you wait until something happens to feel what you want to feel, then they will not. You will just keep waiting. You will end up in the illusion of "life will happen when....", which never arrives!

Here's another approach:

1) Identify what you think it will feel like when you are experiencing the things you desire in life
2) Reflect on the consciousness/way of being that you think a person has when they are successful, feeling joy and abundance. What do they think? How do they act?
3) Choose to feel and act how you think you will "when you are successful"
4) Act as if it is so!

Soon you will find that reality will reflect what you want. Because you are being that which will create it!!!!

Kendra E Thornbury, MA, inspires and guides people to be fully alive through coaching, training, teleseminars, workshops, writing, and resources.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Kiss from the Universe

Synchronicity is a kiss from the universe!

Synchronicity closely connected to the workings of the Law of Attraction.

I refer to the universe as the larger cosmos of all things. The nature of the universe for you is different from the person next to you. Your state of being, your attitude, your beliefs, your choices-all influence your experience of the universe.

So let's "try on" that the universe wants you to succeed, that it rejoices in your joy and delights in the fulfillment of who you are. Let's say that the universe actually is designed to help you succeed and that queues, signals, resources, and connections are always present for you to partake in.

Your soul is connected to the universe. Your soul is where your purpose and authentic power reside. I believe true success results when you live from this place. The universe wants this for you.

The universe, in collaboration with your soul, creates synchronicities, which are played out in the physical realm. If you pay attention, you will find that your soul attracts people, occurences, events, etc. into your life to help you evolve into what you want and/or to place emphasis on something meant to support you.

I invite you to play with this a while. Allow yourself to open to the wonders of synchronicity, and watch how your ability to attract what you want increases.

Come on, allow your self to be kissed by the universe! :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Do You Resist What You Want?

I know, it's actually kind of ridiculous.

But it's true.

We all resist the very things we want at some point and time.

Why is that?

Well, I'm not going to go too far into that today. But I will say we live in a society saturated with paradigms that:

1) Tell us it is not OK to want what we want
2) Tell us it is not really possible to have what we want

In addition, we have this fear of actually being in our joy. Say what? Yes, we fear being in our joy. Marianne Williamson puts this another way, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us."

A key to attracting what you want in life is to follow a path of least resistance. To do this, you need to know what resistance is and how it shows up in you. If you want to know less resistance, and attract what you desire, you need to learn how resistance shows up for you. By recognizing it, you are able to transcend living in automatic and fear mode, and with awareness make new choices.

When you follow the path of least resistance
, you learn how to use resistance as a queue for shifting your attention and direction, therefore allowing yourself to be in the flow.

SUGGESTION: For those of you that like exercises/want to explore this further... you can write down any or all of the following:

1) How do you know when you are resisting? i.e. What do you feel? What happens?
2) What do you do when you are resisting? i.e. What choices and actions do you take?
3) Identify what resistance feels like in you. What does it feels like in your body?
4) Create a list of things that you think you resist. This can include people, beliefs, circumstances, places, actions.

Another idea: Start paying more attention to how resistance shows up in your life. Take time to notice how and when it comes up. Does it occur daily? Does it happen around certain people or circumstances?

Kendra E Thornbury, MA, inspires and guides people to be fully alive through coaching, training, teleseminars, workshops, writing, resources and more.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm On The Cover of Fortune Magazine!!

WAHOOOOO! Check this out! :)

The possibilities swirl inside my mind, infuse my emotions with fire and prompt my being to align with the consciousness that makes it so. My clarity, drive and focus keep me on the path to what I desire.

What do you desire? What is your vision? What do you want? Are you able to clearly claim it? If I asked you right now what you want, could you answer? Or, even more meaningful... What does life want from you? What does life want for you?

Do you want wealth? Abundance? Fortune?

Define it. What do the things you say you want (when you get to the point of allowing your self to say it) mean? How will they look in your life? What will you be doing? How will you spend your time?

Once you define it, claim it. Then, act as if it is so.

One way to do this is to create daily practices that put you in sync with what you want. Being in sync includes creating the consciousness that reflects the reality. There is a consciousness that goes with every experience. Experiences begin in your mind. So, with your mind you can purposefully create experiences (rather than from habit or reaction).

My daily practices include using the power of imagery. There are many ways you can do this. Guided visualization, meditation, collages.... or a magazine cover with your picture on it. Have fun with it. :)

Kendra E Thornbury, MA, inspires and guides people to be fully alive through coaching, training, teleseminars, workshops, writing, resources and more.