Friday, November 28, 2008

What a p-h-e-n-o-m-e-n-o-n!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thank You for YOU!

My personal thanks...


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"Validation" Movie on Attraction

Great little movie on attraction, how it creates
ripples, magnetizes and builds relationships.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

St. Francis & Sarah MacLachlan Raise Your Vibration!

I feel gratitude and high vibrations oozing from this song and prayer.

Remember, raising your vibrations makes you a magnet for what you want!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm Revealing Myself So YOU Succeed!

Here it is....

My "Thank You Manifesting Banner"!!

"Every moment of your life is infinately
creative and the universe is endlessly
bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough
request, and everything your heart desires
must come to you."

~Shakti Gawain

Here's some insight into this process:

1) To manifest, I must be clear. I begin
by identifying what I want.
2) I turn my wants into affirmations.
This is a declaration for me, which is at the
foundation of my manifesting process. I need
to choose, to say yes, in order to let the way
be open.
3) Affirmations are words (which have
energy) in an "as if" phrasing. I tell
myself it is true, and it becomes true because
my mind does not know the difference. I am
electing where I put my attention, therefor
creating the reality of it.
4) I write them out on big paper to
take the momentum to another level;
there is something about getting it in writing
that works.
5) I put it on one of the walls in my
office, so I see it every day. The words,
the feelings, the energy, the beliefs...
become a part of my daily consciousness.
Even when I'm not "thinking" about it, it
is working for me.
6) I periodically read it all outloud.
I breath, I speak it with conviction and confidence.
It becomes me.
7) I give thanks. I say thanks every day for
the truth of these realities in physical, daily
experience. I put "Thank You" in bold writing
across the top because gratitude activates
and MAGNETIZES all that is needed to manifest.
(i.e. high vibrational frequency, value and
appreciation for what is, trust, acting as
if, and faith)

Try it out. Create one yourself and let
me know how it goes.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ways 2 Raise Your Vibration (a must in manifesting)

Raising your vibration is key to moving into and maintaining the consciousness that attracts what you want. I highlight 2 high vibration qualities and share how nature guides you to success. It's all there for you. Allow.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Magic Skill MUST

"To sit patiently with a yearning that has not yet been fulfilled, and to trust that, that fulfillment will come, is quite possibly one of the most powerful "magic skills" that human beings are capable of. It has been noted by almost every ancient wisdom tradition."

~Elizabeth Gilber

Consider this: All you want ALREADY exists. You don't have to create what you want. You have to create the conditions so that what you want can come to be in your physical experience.

One of the conditions is trust. Trust is a key part of attracting what you want and allowing the bounty that is yours to thrive, in real time, now.

So I invite you to deepen your trust. As the quote above says, it is a magic skill (that and patience).

When you set an intention, decide to receive what you want to manifest, commit to allowing your fulfillment, you must lean into the trust that you will be provided for.

If not, doubt will erode your manifesting power, aligning you with the doubt reality, not the true reality of what is possible and what is your natural state. When you are in doubt, anxious, not sure if it will arrive, and/or questioning the viability of what you want coming to be, you are communicating with the universe (and your subconscious) that you don't really believe it can be.


If you don't believe it can be, it won't be.



Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall Bounty Gratitude LIVE Video

I touch on:

The power of gratitude, magnetism, vibration and more...

And a reminder that what you pay attention to grows.