Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Key to Attraction and Paradigm 101

A key to the Law of Attraction is a paradigm shift. It is:

Success is something you attract by becoming the person you are; it is not something you “get to”.

Before I expand, I want to provide a little "Paradigm Shift 101". Understanding paradigms provides leverage in exercising your power. Paradigms are the way you look at reality. They comprise the lens through which you view life. This lens shapes the way you experience everything.

Other ways to consider paradigms:

  • The understanding of the world you live in
  • Images, assumptions and stories you carry in your mind of yourself, other people and every aspect of the world
  • Planes of existence
  • Ways of thinking

Paradigms can be so ingrained in the way you think and experience, you don't even consider that they are there or what they are. You can identify what paradigms you currently live in and adopt new ones that create different results for you. You change your thinking, you change your life. This is a paradigm shift. You choose to take on a new way of perceiving reality/lens in order to have a new experience. Get clear about what experience you want and then create a paradigm to fit it.

So back to the paradigm that is key to the Law of Attraction...

Success is something you attract by becoming the person you are; it is not something you "get to".

In our society, we are taught that success is something outside ourselves that we will eventually get to. Unfortunately, with the impossible definitions of success that are out there, we never attain it. As a result, there can be a constant striving and struggle to get to something that doesn't really exist. How crazy making is that?

The Law of Attraction is a reminder that the universe wants you to succeed. It is a reminder that you are actually created to succeed and that all will line up with ease when certain conditions are in place.

THE foundational condition is you. Your very being.

So keep your focus on becoming the person you are. How can you do this? There are many paths and tools that support your becoming. I encourage you to find ones that speak to you. The point is to ground your being and then place your attention on the doing. By having the conditions within you that are success, your ability to have and do the things you want will be filled with greater ease.

One way to approach this is a meditation/visualization I offer to clients regarding their aspirations. For instance, if you want to be a powerful person, begin by defining what that means to you. What are the qualities of a powerful person? Does it mean having certain things, i.e. money? What kinds of activities will you being doing when you are powerful?

Once you have identified these things, BE them. That is right. Don't wait until certain things happen to be convinced that you are powerful. Know it right now. What does a powerful person feel like? How do they walk? How do they communicate? BE and DO all those things.

Act as if it is so. Because it is.

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