Thursday, January 3, 2008

Tips for Manifestion

Manifestation is a power that is inherently yours. You are a creative life force and an extension of this truth is your ability to create. You create all the time. You can choose to
create on purpose, manifesting your true desires.

Manifesting is, "to show or demonstrate plainly; reveal." Everything is created twice, once in your mind and then once in the physical realm. In manifesting what you desire in life, you are using your mind deliberately to reveal in the physical plane what was once in your head.
Here are some tips for manifesting:

Get Clear: Name with specificity and conviction what you want.
Act As If: Feel what it feels to have/know what you want. Use the power of your imagination to conjur up the feelings. Allow them to radiate through your body. Imagine how you would act and act like that. Imagine how you would walk. How you would talk. Be all that.
Empty: Keep yourself clear of things that drain you and distract you. Implement practices that empty you of things (i.e. stories, fears, wounds, circumstances) that no longer serve you.
Be Open to the Mystery: It's simple. It's complex. Life is a mystery, truly a wonder to behold. Trust that the life force that keeps life breathing and evolving is supporting your manifesting. Learn to walk a fine walk between focus and determination and giving over and surrender.
Allow Synchronicity: Signs and resources are available to us everywhere. Listen and notice and you will be astounded by the signs that reveal to you that you are in alignment, that all is well, that you have what you need, that the resources and how will be available as you say yes.
Be Grateful: Of course. I keep suggesting this. Gratitude is one of the most powerful magnetic forces around.


Anonymous said...

LOA - Once you deliberately create your intention ( Let's say I need $1000 ) What do you do next ?
What would you do Kendra ?

To feel the money has reached my bank account is no good because I am even not sure how the money will come to me ( by check or money order or cash ).

So tell me, if you were manifesting money ($100) what would be your next step ? Explain to me in simple word if you please.

Lessons In Law of Attraction said...

Thanks for your post! I appreciate your question. You say that feeling the money reaching your account does you no good because your not sure how the money will come to you.

With all due respect, I disagree. One, you do not need to know HOW the money will come to be in order to feel it there. Two, the power of emotion is, when it comes to the LOA and manifesting, one of the most potent means for creation. So, if you wait for the HOW before you feel that you will and can have it, you may be in a cycle that is perpetuating the same old results.

The how will be revealed. I realize this can sound vague and mysterious. Yet when it comes to mastery of universal principles such as the Law of Attraction, we are talking about energy and consciousness.

You've got to believe, to feel, to know in your mind and actions that it will come to be. Without acting with such confidence and knowingness, you have doubt and that influences what you attract.

We've been taught to discount emotions in so many ways and the LOA, to be used purposefully, invites us to learn how to welcome them back into our lives. Not only that, but to use them deliberately to create.

Certainly there are steps you can take that will help you create your money. Without knowing you or your circumstances, it is hard to suggest concrete steps you can take in your situation. But I can suggest that you make a list of the various ways that money can come to you. Work, friends, unexpected avenues. What are ways you attract money now? What are potential new ways you could? If there are actions steps that you can create to bring in money, do so.

One step I can suggest is to get clear about your purpose and "why". Why do you want the money? What will it be used for? What is your compelling reason for bringing more money into your life? You can make a list and then get behind it with passion and feeling.

Don't wait for things to happen in order to feel. Feel what you want first and then create it.