Thursday, May 22, 2008

Awareness Eradicates Suffering

In the May edition of my SpiritAlive enewsletter, I said: Awareness is the very foundation that your life sits upon. Life mirrors what you hold possible and true in your mind.


a vehicle for thriving.


  • paying attention
  • consciousness
  • being awake
  • presence
  • noticing
  • being real about what is


A tool for the Law of Attraction.

So what does awareness have to do with the law of attraction? The power of your mind... to decide, to choose, to focus. All these qualities and abilities of the mind influence your ability to harness the law of attraction to work for you, for what you desire.

As far as harnessing the law of attraction, most people want to learn how to harness it to increase their joy.

First, let me explain how most people live.

They have an experience. The experience is the stimulus. Then they respond.


In this way of being, one is at the mercy of default responses. This can include stories, defenses, and reactions. These do not come from who one is... they come from the past, what one has been "trained" to do, and survival.

When you cultivate awareness, you create, among other things, choice.

You have an experience (stimulus). You breath. You feel. You stay present. You draw forth your innate knowing. You pay attention to what you want. You are awake to the moment.

Thus, you create:

Stimulus------> CHOICE----->Response

We create our suffering.* I know that is a big reality to consider. But I truly want you to live in your power. To do this, you need to get real about the power you have to create your reality. Suffering can be mild or dramatic. You know what suffering means to you.

I believe you can eradicate suffering with awareness. In turn, you welcome a state of being that includes ongoing joy.

*I saw Iylana Vanzant speak the other night and she said that we have to stop glorifying our suffering.

Pay attention to your stimulus-----> response patterns. When you have experiences, what do you notice about how you respond? Do you react automatically? Do you think? Do you lash out? Do you stifle your voice? Do you stay present? Do you choose?


Kendra E Thornbury, MA, inspires and guides people to be fully alive through coaching, training, teleseminars, workshops, writing, and resources.


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