Sunday, October 19, 2008

Move Over Fear, There's a NEW Model of Success Emerging- Part One

Have you felt the fear?

It comes with the chaos and turbulence.

There is something significant happening, on a global level, that I want to talk to you about. If you're interested in living through a NEW MODEL for success-true success-then you will be interested in what I have to say.

But first, let me get back to the fear.

It's a default reaction to change and crisis. People share with me the anxiety troubling them lately.

I heard a definition of fear years ago that still provides perspective:

See, most of what you feel comes from a belief that there is something to fear. There isn't. What you think is gone, isn't. What you perceive as threat, isn't.

I know, the climate of change we are in is monumental; that is one reason it strikes such a fundamental fear cord. At this fundamental level, your sense of security can feel threatened. But really, it isn't.

REAL security comes from within and is never threatened by the external.

So, acknowledge your feelings, shift your attention and get in line with what you are here for.
*DON'T let fear convince you something is wrong.
*DON'T fall into the illusion that worry will help (Tolle says that worry pretends to be useful, but really has no purpose).
*DON'T let outward circumstances define your reality.

Remember: ALL IS WELL.

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