Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Top Hindrance in Attraction: From Regret to Resolve

You want to be successful in manifesting your desires, right?

Well, I suggest you immediately shift from regret to resolve. What do I mean?

Let's back up.

One of the things I repeat is that manifesting the life of your dreams has more to do with letting the way be open rather than accumulating more theories and information. It has more to do with REmembering or recalling the truth that you know deep inside you and less to do with you needing to "become" something.

So, along those lines, I'd like to talk about one of the top hindrances in attracting what you want....

You see, nothing is missing. Nothing is wrong. Nothing "should have" happened. You weren't "supposed" to do anything. You haven't missed your opportunity.

Regret is an energy drainer. And, anything that drains your energy diminishes your access to your life force and decreases your vibration. When you are not accessing your life force and your vibration is decreased, you WILL NOT attract what you want.

Listen, what's done is done. The past is over. So what if the day is over and you didn't get to all your to do list? So what if the month passed and you didn't prioritize your time in the way you intended? So what if the year flew by and you didn't pursue what you envisioned?

It's all just information... Not a reason to drag you down further!

The meaning you apply to it will determine how you feel. For instance, if the meaning you give it is that you never do what you really want, so you must not deserve it.... you'll probably keep believing that and not get what you want. And, you will feel bad in some way.

Another option is that you make it mean that you understand that you feel bad when you don't do the things you want. You use that as information, re-commit to the importance of you feeling good and choose to begin a new. And then, you start to feel good.***

You get to decide! You choose the meaning you make out of anything.

Regret=something is missing or disappointment. Whew, the energy behind that is so weighty.

But, what if everything happens for a reason, what if there is a bigger purpose, what if there is inherent perfection? Then regret would not have any meaning for you, therefor it would not take any of your energy away from attracting what you want.

What do I suggest you do instead?


1) Resolve to learn what you can from each situation, especially when it's one that you think you may regret. Then apply what you learn to your life, as every lesson is a gift offered to make each next moment richer than the last.

2) Resolve to clear what you need to in order to release any emotional charge of regret that holds you back or down. Forgiveness is perfect for this (A great resource is Pamela Gregory; she writes a wonderful blog and more). You deserve to feel free from the burden of the story that you need to even have regrets.

3) Resolve to live the life you are designed for. Say yes to joy, to freedom, to prosperity. Resolve to be and do what is takes to make each day all it can be for you. Your resolve automatically raises your vibration and infuses your action with a zest, 2 factors that help you magnetize what you want.

4) Resolve to give thanks to what has been and what is, demonstrating trust in the greater purpose of your life. When you live in gratitude, you can't help but feel good.

5) Resolve to get over it and move on.

***REMEMBER: Feeling good is where it's at. Feeling good is a natural attractor.


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