Monday, April 27, 2009

Tap the Stream Now: 3 Effective Ways to Allow Abundance

“There’s a source or a stream of abundance that flows openly and easily.”


Are you tapped into this source/stream?
Here’s the way to know:

If you are in the flow with abundance, you are. If you are stressed, seeking, and/or feeling scarce, you are not.

It’s that simple.
Now, here’s the deal…..

That flow of abundance ALREADY exists. You don’t have to create it.

Your task is to allow.

You need to let the ever flowing stream that already IS come into
your reality by allowing it to be so.

What can you do to allow this reality?
1) Create a new story.
"Your life experience is showing you that you cannot keep telling the same story without continuing to live the same circumstances.” ~Abraham-Hicks

You are telling yourself a story. All the time. It’s “truth” has no relevance, because YOU decide what is true. You repeat thoughts & beliefs that become your story about the nature of reality, of your life, and-in this case-your experience of abundance.
New story=new reality
If you want to have a new reality around abundance and money, you must create a new story. Period.

Choose your new story. What is it? Write it out. Adopt it. Tell it. Enact it.
2) Clear the way.
You must clear out* that which does not align with your new story. If you are not receiving what you want, you have some block(s). It is more important that you spend time clearing than adding the “latest & greatest” information. Allowing means letting the way be open, and clearing is essential to this.

3) Create practices to align with your new story.
Give thanks, meditate, affirm, listen to teachers and/or music, watch videos, surround yourself with people…. do & be what it takes to align with the consciousness of your new story every day.
HERE is an example of a GREAT video to affirm the nature of abundance and money further.


If are ready to tap this natural stream and take a leap in your wealth, join David & Kristin Morelli, spiritually-oriented millionaires, for the 40 Days & 40 Nights Program. I am very selective about what I align with, and feel confident their guidance will offer great value and results for you. *This program does include tools that will help you with clearing.

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