Thursday, May 21, 2009

6 Characteristics of Feeling Good

"Joy arises from within."~Eckhart Tolle

What if you were to feel good? I mean REALLY, really good?

And, what if feeling good was not just a once and a while occurrence,
but actually your dominant experience?

It is totally possible! Not only that, it's what you are here for. It is one of the
outcomes of living your natural state.

So, what are some characteristics of feeling good?

I have come by feeling good through tried and true experience. I devoted myself to being alive, concluding that if I wasn't flourishing, why bother. People ask me where I get my energy (see video below) and how I maintain the state of joy and inspiration they know me by. My mission is to guide you to knowing this for yourself.

Feeling good is an extension of a consciousness that is comprised
of greater truths and life affirming beliefs which vibrate and
emanate through your being.

Remember, EVERYTHING in your outer reality is a reflection of your inner reality. So, if you serious about attaining and maintaining feeling good, study and practice that statement above.

OK, so bottomline, this state includes:

*Sense of ease
*Consistent access to vital energy
*A "can't help but share" JOY
*Knowing of true prosperity
*Growing yet complete gratitude
*Core freedom

Are you ready? Any new experience simply begins with YES. All else will reveal from there.

On my birthday last week, I made this announcement ======>

The next phase is about to be revealed!!

In the meantime, realize that you clearly resonate with more FEELING GOOD, because you have attracted this message.

Consider if you are a candidate for my new 30 day IMMERSION Experience that WILL help you attain a FEEL GOOD state. We begin JUNE 1!

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