Friday, August 28, 2009

THIS Sabotages Your Attraction Success & 5 Solutions

"You are wonderful beings. You are blessed beings. You are deserving of Well-being. Well-being is on its way to you. Chill out and let it in. Play more. Do the Hokey Pokey.” ~Abraham-Hicks

It’s natural to attract what you want, because it is natural to experience what you want.

To know the manifestation of your desires and feel the fulfillment of life is an extension of being alive.

And being alive is what you are here for.

If this is true, and you don’t feel fully alive and have what you want, what is wrong?

Well, on some level you have been separated from your innate capacities and, therefor, are living in a strained world that is repelling what you desire. There is an old paradigm, based in survival consciousness and run by fear, that permeates your beliefs.

As a result, you have “mixed” beliefs and paradigms that create chaos within your mind and being about who you are and what you are capable of. There is part of you in one paradigm, and part of you that is in another.

See, you ARE a powerful creator. You innately know how to be so that you attract what you desire. There is a part of you that knows this as the paradigm to live by, to thrive by. This is thrival consciousness.

BUT…with the old paradigm lurking in your beliefs, you dismiss and doubt the truth of thrival consciousness.

THIS sabotages your attraction success*.


Because you can’t have part of you in one set of beliefs and part of you in another. Well, you can, but you won’t be effective in manifesting what you want because you are giving “mixed” vibrational messages to the universe.

And because the Law of Attraction operates from vibration, you must be clear.


You can’t give “sorta, kinda, I think maybe, almost”
vibes to be a deliberate creator!


So what can you do? Here are 5 Solutions:

  1. Get clear. Get crystal clear about your beliefs, paradigm and what you want.
  2. Declare. Be 100% in for what you decide.
  3. Become aware. Notice when you have thoughts that are contrary to your beliefs, paradigm and wants; this is what creates the mixed vibration.
  4. Clear. Use clearing techniques. Get rid of the stuff that does not align with your declaration.
  5. Affirm. Use affirming tools and practices that raise and maintain your vibration.

*Attraction success includes manifesting what you desire on purpose; it is deliberate creation. It is harnessing the natural Law of Attraction to create the results you most desire.

Take action & learn attraction success through my *Feeling Good* technology==>

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