Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Making Way for What You Want

Remember, the Law of Attraction is always in effect.

You are always creating your reality.

The question is, do you do it by design or default? Do you intend what you want to happen? Do you design your experience based on your desires and values? Do you create what you long to fulfill?


Do you react to life? Do you find that you are simply "keeping up"? Do you merely stay focused on managing your life? Does what you desire just seem like something you will get to another day? Do your intentions fall by the wayside because you slip into the same old patterns and habits?

"Making way" is essential to manifesting what you desire. This means clearing the way so that you can get out of the way and allow yourself to receive.

The Quakers have a sang, "Proceed as way opens". I love this.

And to proceed, the way must be open.

So how do you make the way open?
NOTE: In order to clear, which is essential to designing life on purpose/using the Law of Attraction deliberately, you must take responsibility for your reality and take action. So, if you are going to proceed, you need to take responsibility. If you don't, manifestation will not occur.

You need to practice regular tools/processes/rituals that "clear" you. Clearing includes letting go of limited beliefs, inherited fears, and old stories. These aspects of your mind get lodged in your subconscious, your body consciousness, and then continue to influence your choices and actions (Without you thinking about it. It is your default.) They become blocks that prevent you from receiving the glory of all that you are and all you desire. They clutter the path between you and what you want.

Here are 6 suggestions for clearing:

1) "Smudging"- This is a Native American tradition I have used for many years. You use sage, a clearing plant from the earth, to purify and cleanse. You light the sage and move the smoke over your body. Close your eyes. Breath in the sage. Let the sage do its natural work and clear away.

2) Sweat Lodge- Another Native American tradition, although known to other cultures throughout the world. This is a more in depth purification ceremony that uses all the elements (earth, fire, air and water) in service to your clearing.

3) Gratitude- Yep. Here I am at gratitude again (if you haven't got my free book on Gratitude, be sure to do so!). Gratitude is benefit packed, and clearing is one benefit. By focusing on a way of being that is grateful, you position your self to clear out blocks.

4) Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)- EFT is based on a discovery regarding the body's subtle energies. It is an emotional version of acupuncture, except needles aren't necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere.

5) Ho'oponopono- This is a Hawaiian self-help methodology that removes the obstacles that block your path, freeing your mind to find new and unexpected ways to get what you want out of life. In "Zero Limits", Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len reveal this wisdom.

The main process includes 4 statements.

  • I am sorry
  • Please forgive me

  • Thank you

  • I love you

6) Forgiveness- There is nothing like forgiveness to heal, transform and let the way be open. Yes, that requires being in touch with your emotions and letting them flow. Two processes that support forgiveness:

a) "The Work" by Byron Katie. One of my personal favorites. Can get free worksheets on the site.

b) "Radical Forgiveness" by Colin Tipping. Can get free worksheet on site.

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