Thursday, January 8, 2009

Are You Going Upstream or With the Flow?

Are you in the flow?

If you are, you are experiencing joy. You are letting the Law of Attraction work for you and what you want.

If you are not, you are feeling bad in some way. You are letting the Law of Attraction attract more of what you don't want and more of what contributes to you feeling bad.

In the flow=feeling good
Out of flow=feeling bad

Could it be that simple? Yes.

"If you are to be the joyful being you want to be and are meant to be, you've got to go with the flow. And when you don't, you don't feel good, it's just that simple. Not going with the flow of your own creation is what makes you not feel fulfilled. It's what makes you feel dissatisfied and worse."


When you are in the flow, life feels good. You feel that all that is occurring is the way it is meant to be and as a result, there is a sense of contentment. This is not to say that you will not feel emotions i.e. sadness that come with the cycle of life- I'm not talking about slapping on a permanent smiley face. Let's get real.

I'm talking about a greater sense of okay-ness, a deep knowing that all is well and in alignment with what is meant to be. Even in the face of difficult developments in your life, there is an ability to "be" with it all in a way that keeps you in the flow.

"Nothing that you want is upstream."


"If you would let go of your resistance and start going with the flow, you will discover how good this stream can be to you."


10 Ways You Stay Out of the Flow and Fight Upstream:
1) Frustration
2) Holding on to Emotions
3) Resistance
4) Clutter
5) Control
6) Fear
7) Force
8) Victim Consciousness
9) Doing Things the Way You've Always Done Them
10) Attachment

10 Ways to Get in the Flow:
1) Relax
2) Create a Daily Practice to get Still
3) Allow
4) Surrender
5) Feel Your Emotions
6) Do Things That You Feel Alive In
7) Become Self-Aware (then will know when out of flow and can change course)
8) Learn to Hold a Healthy Detachment to Everything
9) Practice Acceptance and Forgiveness (of self and others)

AND number 10?

You guessed it...GRATITUDE. :)

Remember, joy is your birthright. Let yourself feel the flow....

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