Monday, January 12, 2009

Wouldn't It Be Nice To....

As you continue to affirm the reality of the experiences you desire, to become that which you envision being.... you must keep your attention on what you want.

This is an exercise from Lorraine Cohen, my colleague in Manifest Mastermind. She did this with her mastermind group as a way to unleash visions and intentions for 2009. Thank you for sharing this tip openly, Lorraine. We all succeed when we each succeed.

This is a great way to dream and vision, because it helps with getting into the possibilities mindset and away from the "how to's".

Here's a list of some what came to me when I did this:

Wouldn't it be nice to....

1) Know joy, peace and freedom at my core.
2) Serve millions in being fully alive and flourishing.
3) Know that I've lived each day with full presence and capacity.
4) Dream bigger each new day than I did the day before.
5) Write and sell my best selling books.
6) Be in true prosperity, feeling my sense of plenty all the time.
7) Experience the creative flow with ease and abundance.
8) Have an abundance of money from multiple sources of income that ensures I easily tend to all my responsibilities and aspirations, including giving generously to humanitarian causes.
9) Live in gratitude every moment.
10) Be a known expert and sought after international coach and speaker.
11) Celebrate the magnificent success of Manifest Mastermind at the end of 2009.
12) Feel the vitality and vibrance of my strong healthy body every day.
13) Experience the unwavering clarity and faith in connection to source/Spirit.
14) Travel to new cultures and expand my lens.
15) Have a couple of vacations with deep relaxation and fun.
16) Enjoy quality time with family and friends.
17) Be in power of nature regularly.
18) Feel my bliss.
19) Experience nourishing, playful, extraordinary relationship with my partner.
20) Become a greater expression of love, light, compassion and all the qualities of the Divine source that uplifts, elevates, and expands us all to wholeness, oneness and aliveness.
21) Always reside in my knowing that that I am an expression of the Divine.

WOW!~ I could keep going. It's fun! Try it out. Exercises your "nice to" muscles so that you become savvy at flowing in the consciousness of what you desire.


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