Friday, February 6, 2009

Stop Asking the Ineffective WHY-A Manifesting MUST

You might be asking the wrong why!

Let me tell you what that is and what the more effective why is that will help you manifest what you desire.

See, so many people ask why, but it's NOT the right why.

What do I mean?

Well, people want to know why such and such happened or didn't happen. They try to understand why certain things occurred in the past. They ask why so and so didn't give them what they wanted. They attempt to analyze why they do what they do.... And so on.

WHY in this manner is useless!

It happened because it happened. It happened because you are here to grow into the being you are designed to be. That's it. Why in this way takes you to the past. The past does not exist but only in your mind. Every time you ask, "Why?", you leave this moment and ruminate on another time.

Get this>>>>

The experience of that time is brought into the now.
Then your now becomes the vibration of the past.
Then, your past repeats its self.

You see how that works?

And can you see how ineffective your inquiry into "Why?" in this manner is?

So, let's get the EFFECTIVE WHY for your deliberate manifesting.

What is your why?

Your why is your purpose and the passion that lies within it. It is your bigger reason for your dreams and desires. It is the fuel, the spark of life that brought forth your desire in the first place. It is the UMPH of what you want.

When you identify your why's you will touch in with a higher source of energy that will accelerate your manifesting.

You will stay connected to the purpose of what you want, which aligns you with the resources and connections that will help it all come to be. You will stay focused. You will be inspired from within rather than needing motivation from without.

You will remain in confidence of it coming to be, which is a must to sustaining the energy and vibration of your beingness that leads to the manifestation of what you desire.

So, tell me, what is your WHY?

***Manifest Mastermind offers steps for this area and many more in the Guidance Processes. You will know deliberate manifesting success when you follow the steps that this community offers!

1 comment:

Matt Stueck said...

Nice timely for me maybe I will post it on my site so I can reread and spread your words!