Oh, you didn't know that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Law of Attraction teacher?
Before I get to that, I begin with an honoring of this beloved man, a torch bearer, a way shower, a change agent. Thank you for your passion, your courage, your devotion, your vision.
I bow to the divine in you, Namaste.
MLK was a teacher of great proportions. His wisdom and light continue to ripple on this day. His vision for equality, his knowing of a way that upholds reverence for all, his call to and practice of non-violence... just a few aspects of his impeccable modeling.
I bet you never considered him as a Law of Attraction teacher. Have you?
Well, let's get to it! 3 quotes, 3 teachings....
1) "I have a dream."
MLK had a dream. He named it. He articulated it. He described it in detail. He described what would be happening. He outlined the reality of it coming to be. He declared it. He repeated it. He felt it. He passionately exuded it.
All of these aspects are necessary to launch your dream so it can become reality. You must identify it. And you must identify it with clear definition. No generalizations, get real about what you want to have occur. Put it out there. And like MLK so profoundly modeled, FEEL it.
Get it into the fabric of your being.
2) "Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal."
MLK taught that practice of what we desire is the only means of knowing its reality. In Law of Attraction, one of the effective tools you have at your disposal is the choice of behaviors you engage in each moment, each day. These behaviors stem from your thoughts.
You can align your thoughts with your desires. Then, because your thoughts create your behaviors, your behaviors will reflect your desires. Does that makes sense?
So, with peace.... MLK did not create peace by loading a gun and shooting at the "enemy". Instead, he choose to be an instrument of peace through his words, his deeds, his beingness.
When you are attracting what you desire, you are bringing toward you that which reflects how you already think and be. You can't bring something to you that you have not been able to feel and know as part of your consciousness...even if it's just in your imagination.
3) "Faith is taking the first step when you don't see the whole staircase."
MLK knew one of the greatest instruments of the Law of Attraction*, faith. You must have faith in order to know the realization of what you desire. Without faith, you bow to your doubts. You bow to a smaller reality based on fear. With faith, you trust in a higher purpose, a higher vision, the process of life.
Now, some of you may question my association of MLK with the Law of Attraction. You may say that his dreams were never realized. While this is true in some sense, i.e. true equality for all, I would propose that MLK's dream for his life WAS realized. He dared to dream a dream that was beyond himself, that captured a potential of reality that was for ALL beings. In that, he was not the only one responsible for the manifestation.
For that reality to come to be, we all must show up....more awakened and aligned with a greater truth.
You can begin with your own dreams. Believe it or not, you manifesting what you desire DOES help create the change that MLK desired. You being alive, you flourishing, you being healthy, you contributing.... as you do this, it liberates others to do so.
And one by one, as we each take responsibility as the creators we are, we will all become the manifestation of MLK's vision and be....
*I'm talking about the Law of Attraction on purpose. Being a deliberate user of the Law of Attraction vs. it just working based on your past programming. Remember: the Law of Attraction is always in effect.
Very inspiring post to read today. Thanks, Kendra!!
Right on, my friend. Dreams, faith and action, the stuff a divine life is made of!
Very Nice...inspiring and the Law of Attraction before we really understood it as such. Thanks!
@ZaraGreen on Twitter
Thanx Kendra for your inspirational & timely post. Living by example assertively and non-violently, guided by intention and a felt vision, with faith -- this is the law of attraction indeed.
Thank you to good vibe coach, anonymous, zara, and lizzed for your great comments on this post!
Very inspirational post. Most great teachers practice the law of attraction in some way, shape, or form. Thanks for sharing your insight. Ryan
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