Monday, July 14, 2008

2 Steps Can Totally Shift Your Life-Even Create Miracles!

It's not true that it takes a lot of effort and time to change your life. It's not true that you need to struggle and strain to manifest what you desire.

Certainly the change process includes "growing pains" that are a natural part of shifting from one set of experiences to another.

If you are ready to experience new results, you will be letting go of an old way of being. That is true.

And with that, you will be adjusting to a new reality. You will stretch into a new awareness and find that your physical reality will need to adjust. One of the reasons that people don't really go after what they say they want in life is because of their resistance to change. The unknown can be a part of change. Do not mistake stagnation with stability. Part of the pain that is caused through the change process is the resistance to it, not the change itself.

The nature of life is change. When you embrace this you will be able to go with the flow and allow the life force that is you to create and experience with all the ease and joy you desire.

Here are 2 steps that can take you from struggling to change, or trying to find that "right formula". Stop looking and take action.

1) Clear the Way: There is clutter in your mind that is taking away from the pure flow of life's bliss. This clutter is the past, limited beliefs, fears, stories.... You can clear them and make way for life to live as intended (I've described many clearing techniques before-Emotioinal Freedom Technique, Sweat Lodge, Smudging, Ho'oponopono, and more. Experiment with what works for you).

2) Expand your Vision: The possibilities are immense! The possibility of life expressed through you is boundless. Find ways to get in a state of relaxation and tap your imagination. Let your mind go and allow the visions to emerge. There are so many experiences of life waiting to reveal themselves to you! Visualizing is an avenue to unleash pure potential. It is a process of guiding and opening toward the vastness of what is only pure energy and life force.

I'm offering these 2 powerful elements for creating what you one session.

I've been using these strategies in my own life and with clients, so I know they work (I don't waste your time or mine).

Here's a quote from one client.....

Subject: And the miracles keep on happening!

"Wow, wow, wow, WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!! The aha! moments just keep on coming. Oh my. Big big big BIG! The session we had last week has opened me up to so much!
The experience of beliefs and visioning has been such an incredible gift. Kendra's gentle guidance has made possible for me what I have yearned for nearly my whole life. Thank you, Kendra, this was, and continues to be, life changing."

This offer is limited, but YOU ARE NOT!

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