Friday, July 18, 2008

What IS Boundless Living?!

I'm having so much fun with the Boundless Living Challenge, and it hasn't even officially started! (begins July 20)

When you decide to do something, it begins. Commitment puts things into motion. Connections start happening. People show up. Signs reveal themselves. The universe WANTS you to succeed, and when you DECIDE to do something/be something... it will conspire to your benefit. You gotta be clear to start. You gotta decide, are you really in?

HINT: If you are not really all in, there will be hesitation and there is NO WAY TO ATTRACT WHAT YOU WANT WITH HESITATION.

In the teleseminar last night, Bob Doyle said this is not about playing small. Oh, yeah. I'm all over that.

You ready to play big? I AM!

Since I've launched into this, I've been reflecting on boundless living. What does that mean?

Boundless. No boundaries. No limits. No walls. No confines.

Boundless. Infinite. Vast. Endless. Beyond.


Ahhhhhh, can you feel it?

Think about it. Your life is an expression of the life force that resides within all. Life force is simply energy. It's the essence of life. It is all there is.

Do you believe there are limits to this life force? If you do, then you think there are limits to your life. Do you believe there are bounds on how much joy you can experience? If you do, there are bounds on the joy you experience. Do you believe there is not enough money for everyone? If you do, you probably don't have enough, and if you do, you may feel guilt because you are "taking away" from others.

You get it.

But here's the deal. Life force is. It does not have bounds. It is pure potential, abundantly accessible every moment. It does not exhaust it self. It naturally renews. It naturally grows. It naturally evolves.

Take this knowing one step further and examine what, then, boundless living would be. I see that in boundless living I:

  • constantly create

  • welcome more and more joy

  • grow into greater expressions of success

  • abundantly give and receive energy and money

  • open to new insights every day

  • understand the true meaning of gratitude

  • am content in the trust I have for the process of life

  • am able to attract all I desire

  • rejoice at my dreams come true

  • welcome the unknown and not knowing "how", feeling the adventure of it all

  • live beyond what I "think"

  • live an inspired life

  • add value and contribute to the lives of others


There are no limits. Anything is possible! It all begins with your decision, your choice. Choose life and it will reveal riches.

What does boundless living mean to you?

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