What is unshakable aliveness?
Aliveness regardless of what is going around you.
These 7 Steps came from a seminar I led a couple weeks ago as a Be Alive preview.

What is unshakable aliveness?
"Anyone can increase their sense of well-being and create
positive social effects just from counting their blessings."
Gratitude works!
I've proved it in my life.
I've proved it in my client's lives. Participants in my highly acclaimed
manifesting course have reported:
Do you want any of those things in your life? How about ALL of them?
YES! You can have it all.
==>Consistent practice of a mindset and way of being that expands
your consciousness & maintains a high vibration.
Another way of saying it: day-by-day, step-by-step habits that line you up
with what you want.
One of the surest and most direct links? You got it: GRATITUDE!
Now, for those of you interested, there are actual scientific studies that prove it as well.
Studies conducted* indicate that daily gratitude exercises result in higher reported
levels of:
Some of you are familiar with the Law of Attraction, a universal law available to all of us to harness our natural power to manifest. Look at that list above...you need that kind of
energy to BE the consciousness that attracts what you desire! That's one reason I
use gratitude as a way to manifest on purpose.
Additionally, the studies have determined that people using gratitude experienced
less depression and stress, were more likely to help others, exercised more
regularly and made more progress toward personal goals.
Cool, huh?
Listen, I only use and teach what works. Life is precious. Your time is sacred.
Use it well. And use what you know works well.
Resolve to awaken to the many benefits of gratitude.
Hey, let's start right now. Say it out loud:
*Research cited from the "Research Project on Gratitude and Thanksgiving" by McCollough and Emmons.
For a day-by-day process that will guide you to create the results you want
in life, join us for the Gratitude phenomenon beginning Monday, Nov. 2!
That's http://www.spiritalive.net/gratitude.htm
1) Want. You must want what you want more than not wanting what you don’t want. Give yourself permission to want and desire. Let yourself HAVE what you want and desire.
2) Decide. If you don’t decide, nothing else can happen. You must feel the resolve of your decision 100%.
3) See. Use your imagination to see your vision. What is happening? Who is there? What is going on? Play the scenario’s in your head.
4) Feel. Harness this most missed step in manifesting. Let the feelings of what you want and desire surface. Feel them now. (This is one of the focus’s of the *Feeling Good* Immersion Experience)
5) Think. Your thoughts create vibrations that the Universe matches, which creates what you know as your reality. Make sure you are consciously choosing thought that align you with what you want and desire.
6) Clear. Limited thoughts, mistaken beliefs, old baggage…must be cleared!
7) Act. Take action. But don’t just move. Take inspired, clear action that you know is part of the momentum of your creation.
8) Know. Feel confident and convicted. Be certain that what you want and desire will be yours.
9) Trust. Infuse your consciousness and being with trust. Do you trust life? Do you trust yourself? Find a way to elevate your trust to a higher plane.
10) Allow. Learn how to open, receive and allow. Get out of the way.
11) Connect. Connect with whatever you know as a higher power, source or purpose. When you align with the greater rhythm of life, you are letting Universal laws work WITH you.
12) Raise. Engage in activity that raises your vibrations. High vibrations are a must for being a magnet for what you want and desire.
13) Thank. Give thanks! Gratitude is one of the most potent tools for using the Law of Attraction on purpose. Give thanks for what is. Feel gratitude for what will be.
Want more? Check out my step-by-step process. “GRATITUDE: 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose” starts Nov. 2.
1) Lack of Gratitude.
"If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."
~Oprah Winfrey
People can have such a lack of gratitude. I mean-the complaining, and judging, and gossiping, and story telling, and blah blah blah. I mean really, get over it!
And when you take the time to consider how lack of gratitude affects you, can't you see how it would block you from knowing joy and freedom?
2) Dependence on Circumstance.
If you are depending on people, income, events, or any circumstance whatsoever for your arrival to joy and freedom, you will be forever held at a distance from it.
Let's get real.
Life doesn't always go how we plan it. People don't always act like we want them to. Money ebbs and flows.
And not only that, if and when those people and things do come, you will swiftly discover that they did not bring you what you desired. Why? Cuz you will only find it within.
3) Avoidance of the Unknown.
Growth, change, expansion...they include the unknown. That is one reason people get stuck. They hang in the familiar and stay in the ordinary.
We've been taught to associate the unknown with something bad or scary. It even goes as far as to feel like a threat.
If you are going to live your joy & feel your freedom, you must grow, change and expand. It just comes with the territory! And, a natural part of the change process is the unknown.
1) Take inventory of what you DO have & are grateful for.
2) Get to know your joy.
3) Grow your capacity to be with the unknown.
4) Sign up for step by step process that will help you to live the above. "GRATITUDE: 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose" http://www.spiritalive.net/gratitude.htm
"You are wonderful beings. You are blessed beings. You are deserving of Well-being. Well-being is on its way to you. Chill out and let it in. Play more. Do the Hokey Pokey.” ~Abraham-Hicks
It’s natural to attract what you want, because it is natural to experience what you want.
To know the manifestation of your desires and feel the fulfillment of life is an extension of being alive.
And being alive is what you are here for.
If this is true, and you don’t feel fully alive and have what you want, what is wrong?
Well, on some level you have been separated from your innate capacities and, therefor, are living in a strained world that is repelling what you desire. There is an old paradigm, based in survival consciousness and run by fear, that permeates your beliefs.
As a result, you have “mixed” beliefs and paradigms that create chaos within your mind and being about who you are and what you are capable of. There is part of you in one paradigm, and part of you that is in another.
See, you ARE a powerful creator. You innately know how to be so that you attract what you desire. There is a part of you that knows this as the paradigm to live by, to thrive by. This is thrival consciousness.
BUT…with the old paradigm lurking in your beliefs, you dismiss and doubt the truth of thrival consciousness.
THIS sabotages your attraction success*.
Because you can’t have part of you in one set of beliefs and part of you in another. Well, you can, but you won’t be effective in manifesting what you want because you are giving “mixed” vibrational messages to the universe.
And because the Law of Attraction operates from vibration, you must be clear.
You can’t give “sorta, kinda, I think maybe, almost”
vibes to be a deliberate creator!
So what can you do? Here are 5 Solutions:
*Attraction success includes manifesting what you desire on purpose; it is deliberate creation. It is harnessing the natural Law of Attraction to create the results you most desire.
Take action & learn attraction success through my *Feeling Good* technology==>
Being content is definitely a part of my definition of success! Not only that, it has amazing magnetizing mojo.
I looked it up in the dictionary, which coincided well with my own reflections.
Content=satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.
Yes! Contentment is a satisfaction. It's a place of peace that arises in the knowing that nothing is missing and nothing is wrong. There is no desire to get someplace else, to do something else or to be someone else.
What results is deep satisfaction and the fulfillment in the now. All is well.
What if you are not content with where you are or who you are?
Some confuse the notion of contentment with a passive resignation to what is not working.
They are not the same.
You may not like what is for yourself or others. That is OK. Desire is sometimes born through dissatisfaction and frustration.
But if you are not willing to see the gift(s) in what is, you are merely running away from something, rather than genuinely being ready to attract what is next.
There is a paradox here worthy of understanding. When you want something other than what you have, you will simply continue to want.
It is not until you can be content with where you are that you can change and attract what you want. More importantly, it is not until you can be satisfied with WHO you are, that you can attract what you want.
Because you cannot manifest from a place of lack, what is missing or resistance.
So what is this magnetizing mojo?
Contentment contains potent magnetizing mojo!
Remember, you attract your experiences to you.
Since you are already doing this, why not be on purpose about it and attract what you actually want? You have this power!
You are essentially a living magnet, and contentment is a very attractive "vibration". It draws to you MORE experiences that reinforce MORE contentment!
NOTE: Contentment puts you in the *Feel Good* zone. Learn more about this zone, and how it's essential to your manifesting success....sign up below.
"That which you cannot include in your imagination, you cannot realize." ~Wayne Dyer
It amazes me.
Maybe you're stuck here, too.
See, people come to me seeking support around manifesting
what they want in life. And, as we go through the processes to
ensure their dreams become a reality, I invite them to visualize
and feel what they want in their life as if it is now.
And, most times, they can't.
They can't actually see it, feel it, or believe it.
There you have it.
==>If you can't access your ability to see, feel and/or
believe in the reality you desire, you won't be able
manifest it!
Note that I said, "if you can't access your ability". I underscore this
because I want you to get that you already have this ability, you
have just forgotten how to access it.
So, how do you access it?
Your imagination.
"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere." ~Carl Sagan
Kendra is an internationally acclaimed coach,
spiritual guide, writer, speaker, facilitator,
humanitarian and entrepreneur. She helps
people awaken to the bounty of life and
live in joy and prosperity. Her purpose is to
inspire and guide people to be fully alive.
Aligned inspired action is the only effective action.
When you are in your natural feeling good state, you live through "aligned inspired action". All flows from you with a greater purpose and ease, you feel enthusiastic and present. You are able to bring all your resources to each moment, allowing you to get more done in shorter amounts of time! Seriously, I've spend 8 hours trying to get things done when I'm unclear or overwhelmed. Nothing, nodda. But, I get clear, tap into my purpose, align with my true nature... and ZAPPO---I'm done in just a few hours.
You know what that means for you? More:
Please, I appeal to you, LET yourself know a greater ease and flow that inevitably leads to the fulfillment of what you desire most in life!
I can show you how. ===> Feeling Good 30 Day Immersion Experience starts June 8! $100 discount available through June 5.
"Joy arises from within."~Eckhart Tolle
What if you were to feel good? I mean REALLY, really good?
And, what if feeling good was not just a once and a while occurrence,
but actually your dominant experience?
It is totally possible! Not only that, it's what you are here for. It is one of the
outcomes of living your natural state.
So, what are some characteristics of feeling good?
I have come by feeling good through tried and true experience. I devoted myself to being alive, concluding that if I wasn't flourishing, why bother. People ask me where I get my energy (see video below) and how I maintain the state of joy and inspiration they know me by. My mission is to guide you to knowing this for yourself.
Feeling good is an extension of a consciousness that is comprised
of greater truths and life affirming beliefs which vibrate and
emanate through your being.
Remember, EVERYTHING in your outer reality is a reflection of your inner reality. So, if you serious about attaining and maintaining feeling good, study and practice that statement above.
OK, so bottomline, this state includes:
*Sense of ease
*Consistent access to vital energy
*A "can't help but share" JOY
*Knowing of true prosperity
*Growing yet complete gratitude
*Core freedom
Are you ready? Any new experience simply begins with YES. All else will reveal from there.
On my birthday last week, I made this announcement ======>
The next phase is about to be revealed!!
In the meantime, realize that you clearly resonate with more FEELING GOOD, because you have attracted this message.
Consider if you are a candidate for my new 30 day IMMERSION Experience that WILL help you attain a FEEL GOOD state. We begin JUNE 1!
“There’s a source or a stream of abundance that flows openly and easily.”
"Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you.” ~Wayne Dyer
>>>What are you FOR?
>>>What do you want?
>>>What is your vision?
That’s all that counts in manifesting.
A fundamental in the Law of Attraction=what you pay attention to grows.
So if something is not working, is lacking or missing. STOP paying attention to it!
Don’t fight it, resist it, be against it, or try to change it. This kind of influence is a false sense of power that actually reinforces and GROWS the very things you don’t want.
Instead, get clear about what you do want, what you envision…and put your attention there. PERIOD.
If you are ready for more manifesting “know-how“, join me on Wednesday, March 18, 5pm USA Pacific as I reveal:
NOW is the time to be alive!
You are in the right place, at the right time.
It’s true.
Even when your life is missing that special zest you know it has for you.
Even when you are immersed in challenges.
Even when you are brought down to your knees.
Follow with me here…
Attracting what you desire in life requires expanded consciousness. In order to keep your mind open to the possibilities, you need to keep your consciousness open to the constant miracle life IS and you need to be in an expanded state.
And, if you don’t currently have what you want in life, it’s because up to now, you have not had the consciousness to attract it. So, it stands to reason that in order to create a consciousness that will allow you to attract what you want, you will need to expand to new dimensions of what is possible, what can be, how you can feel, etc.
So having said that, if you want to stick around for the journey, please do. (If you want to stay with the familiar, the ordinary, what is “safe” and seemingly secure, my material isn’t for you).
I’ve only just begun.
Now, back to you.
So one of the ways I want to invite you to expand your consciousness is to consider that you are always in the right place at the right time. Such a way of viewing your reality WILL enhance the quality of your life. You will open the way to a BEingness that constantly provides you with exactly what you need.
Think about it.
If you live in a paradigm that you are in the right place at the right time, everything will always be OK.
You will let go of the idea that you are missing the key and that life is outside of you. Also…
—->You will attract:
You will know that when you are faced with challenge, there is a greater purpose and that through trust you will receive whatever you need next. You know that there is a lesson in all that you do, and in that there is a gift for you. You know that challenge grows you, reveals something new to you that you could not have known without it-perhaps a new insight, greater compassion or deeper appreciation.
Through your knowingness that you are in the right place at the right time, you excude a vibration of confidence and trust that demonstrates to the universe and you that you believe you WILL attract what you desire and what you need at all times. This confidence is KEY to manifesting on purpose!
And, you will live in gratitude*(you know, I’m always plugging this one… cuz it works). Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations and states of being there are. Its perks are many, including health, joy and prosperity.
Try this on:
"I am in the right place, at the right time.”
How’s that feel?
If you’re up to it, “try it on” for 7 days.
Let me know how it goes.
—->>>*If you are interested in practicing the surest way to manifesting on purpose, check out GRATITUDE: 30 Days of Manifesting on Purpose. It creates results!
"The outward freedom that we shall attain will only be in exact proportion to the inward freedom to which we may have grown at a given moment. And if this is a correct view of freedom, our chief energy must be concentrated on achieving reform from within." ~Gandhi
You might be asking the wrong why!
Let me tell you what that is and what the more effective why is that will help you manifest what you desire.
See, so many people ask why, but it's NOT the right why.
What do I mean?
Well, people want to know why such and such happened or didn't happen. They try to understand why certain things occurred in the past. They ask why so and so didn't give them what they wanted. They attempt to analyze why they do what they do.... And so on.
WHY in this manner is useless!
It happened because it happened. It happened because you are here to grow into the being you are designed to be. That's it. Why in this way takes you to the past. The past does not exist but only in your mind. Every time you ask, "Why?", you leave this moment and ruminate on another time.
Get this>>>>
The experience of that time is brought into the now.
Then your now becomes the vibration of the past.
Then, your past repeats its self.
You see how that works?
And can you see how ineffective your inquiry into "Why?" in this manner is?
So, let's get the EFFECTIVE WHY for your deliberate manifesting.
What is your why?
Your why is your purpose and the passion that lies within it. It is your bigger reason for your dreams and desires. It is the fuel, the spark of life that brought forth your desire in the first place. It is the UMPH of what you want.
When you identify your why's you will touch in with a higher source of energy that will accelerate your manifesting.
You will stay connected to the purpose of what you want, which aligns you with the resources and connections that will help it all come to be. You will stay focused. You will be inspired from within rather than needing motivation from without.
You will remain in confidence of it coming to be, which is a must to sustaining the energy and vibration of your beingness that leads to the manifestation of what you desire.
So, tell me, what is your WHY?
***Manifest Mastermind offers steps for this area and many more in the Guidance Processes. You will know deliberate manifesting success when you follow the steps that this community offers!
On this gloreous day, I feel the elated knowing that YOU are, in this moment, able to access what you need to make your desires available to you.
Your desires are ALREADY created. They already exist.
Your journey has more to do with creating the consciousness that allows what is for you to reveal itself.
So, as I envision you becoming aware of this wonder, I imagine an "awakening" of sorts in which you exclaim, "AH-HA!". And it becomes so clear to you. :)
I thought I'd post these tips from Deepak Chopra as a compliment to your manifesting process.
Below are his words. I suggest you add flavor and zest to this declaration by breathing deep, standing tall and projecting your voice with passion!
I will put The Law of Intention and Desire into effect by making a commitment to take the following steps:
1. I will make a list of all my desires. I will carry this list with me wherever I go. I will look at this list before I go into my silence and meditation. I will look at it before I go to sleep at night. I will look at it when I wake up in the morning.
2. I will release this list of my desires and surrender it to the womb of creation, trusting that when things don’t seem to go my way, there is a reason, and that the cosmic plan has designs for me much grander than even those that I have conceived.
3. I will remind myself to practice present-moment awareness in all my actions. I will refuse to allow obstacles to consume and dissipate the quality of my attention in the present moment. I will accept the present as it is, and manifest the future through my deepest, most cherished intentions and desires.
"Whatever you are looking for in your life is there for you."
~Wayne Dyer
I posted this quote recently and received question about where, how?
It inspired this video.
The how is in the BEing you are. If you want love, be love. If you want peace, be peace. If you want prosperity, be prosperity.
With the Law of Attraction & manifesting, you do less and BE more.
As you continue to affirm the reality of the experiences you desire, to become that which you envision being.... you must keep your attention on what you want.
This is an exercise from Lorraine Cohen, my colleague in Manifest Mastermind. She did this with her mastermind group as a way to unleash visions and intentions for 2009. Thank you for sharing this tip openly, Lorraine. We all succeed when we each succeed.
This is a great way to dream and vision, because it helps with getting into the possibilities mindset and away from the "how to's".
Here's a list of some what came to me when I did this:
Wouldn't it be nice to....
1) Know joy, peace and freedom at my core.
2) Serve millions in being fully alive and flourishing.
3) Know that I've lived each day with full presence and capacity.
4) Dream bigger each new day than I did the day before.
5) Write and sell my best selling books.
6) Be in true prosperity, feeling my sense of plenty all the time.
7) Experience the creative flow with ease and abundance.
8) Have an abundance of money from multiple sources of income that ensures I easily tend to all my responsibilities and aspirations, including giving generously to humanitarian causes.
9) Live in gratitude every moment.
10) Be a known expert and sought after international coach and speaker.
11) Celebrate the magnificent success of Manifest Mastermind at the end of 2009.
12) Feel the vitality and vibrance of my strong healthy body every day.
13) Experience the unwavering clarity and faith in connection to source/Spirit.
14) Travel to new cultures and expand my lens.
15) Have a couple of vacations with deep relaxation and fun.
16) Enjoy quality time with family and friends.
17) Be in power of nature regularly.
18) Feel my bliss.
19) Experience nourishing, playful, extraordinary relationship with my partner.
20) Become a greater expression of love, light, compassion and all the qualities of the Divine source that uplifts, elevates, and expands us all to wholeness, oneness and aliveness.
21) Always reside in my knowing that that I am an expression of the Divine.
WOW!~ I could keep going. It's fun! Try it out. Exercises your "nice to" muscles so that you become savvy at flowing in the consciousness of what you desire.
Are you in the flow?
If you are, you are experiencing joy. You are letting the Law of Attraction work for you and what you want.
If you are not, you are feeling bad in some way. You are letting the Law of Attraction attract more of what you don't want and more of what contributes to you feeling bad.
In the flow=feeling good
Out of flow=feeling bad
Could it be that simple? Yes.
"If you are to be the joyful being you want to be and are meant to be, you've got to go with the flow. And when you don't, you don't feel good, it's just that simple. Not going with the flow of your own creation is what makes you not feel fulfilled. It's what makes you feel dissatisfied and worse."
When you are in the flow, life feels good. You feel that all that is occurring is the way it is meant to be and as a result, there is a sense of contentment. This is not to say that you will not feel emotions i.e. sadness that come with the cycle of life- I'm not talking about slapping on a permanent smiley face. Let's get real.
I'm talking about a greater sense of okay-ness, a deep knowing that all is well and in alignment with what is meant to be. Even in the face of difficult developments in your life, there is an ability to "be" with it all in a way that keeps you in the flow.
"Nothing that you want is upstream."
"If you would let go of your resistance and start going with the flow, you will discover how good this stream can be to you."
10 Ways You Stay Out of the Flow and Fight Upstream:
1) Frustration
2) Holding on to Emotions
3) Resistance
4) Clutter
5) Control
6) Fear
7) Force
8) Victim Consciousness
9) Doing Things the Way You've Always Done Them
10) Attachment
10 Ways to Get in the Flow:
1) Relax
2) Create a Daily Practice to get Still
3) Allow
4) Surrender
5) Feel Your Emotions
6) Do Things That You Feel Alive In
7) Become Self-Aware (then will know when out of flow and can change course)
8) Learn to Hold a Healthy Detachment to Everything
9) Practice Acceptance and Forgiveness (of self and others)
AND number 10?
You guessed it...GRATITUDE. :)
Remember, joy is your birthright. Let yourself feel the flow....
"The true satisfaction of life is to come into alignment and co-create with others."
If you are ready to create true satisfaction, you need to align. Align with source/creator/spirit. Align with the true you. Align with thoughts that create experiences that feel good. Align with people that show up in a way that feels alive to you. Align with your values. Align with your joy.
What will you align with in 2009?
i.e. I AFFIRM: I align with only that which is alive.
"The law of attraction does not bring to you what you are not."
As you affirm, you become. What you repeat, you become. You have become what does not work for you through practice, right? REMEMBER: What has become your habitual way of being that is depleting, limiting, stressful, etc.... it came through practice. It came through repetition. It is not reality because it is "true". It became your reality because you had beliefs you adopted that you affirmed and habits that results that you repeated.
YOU have the power to become that which you want to be. And, in the not being what you are not, you will not attract what has been. Make sense?
ALIGN in 2009! Choose what you want. Align with what you want.
Align with allowing. More from Abraham-Hicks....
"And now let us welcome the new year,
full of things that have never been."
~Rainer Maria Rilke
May you know the joy, peace, freedom and prosperity that is your divine birthright.
May you accept the gifts that life beholds for you in each moment.
May you see, feel, think, be, choose, decide and act through a lens of what is alive.