You really want to manifest your desires?
Well, then I encourage you to complete one more thing! Just do it. Don't think about it, don't contemplate it, just do it.
The degree to which you let in the new beginnings, new insights, new creativity, new relationships, new expressions, new income, new.... whatever you want is DIRECTLY related to how much you have let go of, completed, surrendered and ended.
Bottomline, if you intend to manifest what you want in 2009 (or anytime!), you must tend to completion!
Unfinished business---->>>Incomplete's----->>>>
Energy drainer's take you out of alignment and harmony, and create discord in your vibration. This means you will not be a vibrational match to what you want!
So, let's get real here.
By allowing something to die when its time is due, we create the conditions under which new life can emerge."Life has a cycle. When you tend to each part of the cycle, you allow the fullness of life to live through you. There is a time for endings, a time for death, a time for completion. If you avoid or resist these parts of the cycle, you have less room for the birth, the new beginnings, the creativity and flow of abundance.
~Parker Palmer
I want you to choose intentional and conscious ending. Give it over. Give it up. Let it be done.
Make space for new life. By completing something that has been lingering, you will experience greater freedom and liberation. You will know the completion of a cyle, allowing the natural forces of life to move to the next stage of living. You will be in harmony with your natural ability to manifest.
Through conscious completion, you can consciously manifest.
Let yourself be free and make space for the natural manifesting process to breathe through you. Do this process below and let me know how it goes!
1) Identify one place in your life where you need completion. There are a variety of forms this could take. Examples:
*A project you started that you need to finish
*A conversation you’ve needed to have with someone
*A task such as cleaning your office
*Forgiving someone so you free yourself from the weight of resentment
Choose something that you know deep down would be freeing to tend to!
REMEMBER: When you have “incompletes” lingering in your life, even when you think you have “put them away” in your mind, they deplete your energy. They preoccupy a part of your consciousness that creates stress and decreases the quality of your life by putting you in vibrational discord.
So, choose something that you know will contribute to you shifting this cycle of depletion and uplift you, establishing a vibrational match to what you want.
2) Write it down (I want to make this accessible so that you succeed in getting it done, so even if you have a big list, I want you to focus on one item for now).
3) Write down what about the situation needs completion. What has been left undone? An actual set of tasks? Releasing a feeling? Speaking your truth? Forgiveness?
4) Write down what you need to do in order to find completion with this situation to be done with it once and for all! (Remembering that decision is the biggest factor)
5) Write down how you will feel when you have found completion with this situation. How will you feel? Describe it.
6) Consider what there is to be grateful for in this situation. How has this situation served you? What lessons are you grateful for?
7) Make an action plan. Write out the steps you are going to take.
Here are the steps written out for you:
The place in my life I want to focus on for completion is……
What needs to be complete about this situation/What is left to complete is…..
What I need to do in order to feel complete is…….
When I have created completion for myself around this, I will feel…..
What I give thanks for in this completion is…..
1) How this situation has served me to this point….
2) The lessons I have learned from this situation…..
The steps I will take are…..